people on benefits ..

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Not sure how these "Grants" would fund cash purchases on neighbouring properties.

He has not actualy done that though that may just be hot air being talked
The point im making as have others. There are many legit reasons for the guy having the means to build this which do not involve fraud.
@ Paul-k:Clap::Clap::Clap:
He's lived next to him for 10 years. He's spoken to him, he knows he's claiming benefits, he knows that despite his claims for benefits he still has enough money to spend and invest in large projects. Without doing a full audit of his accounts and circumstances (which would be the job of the claims inspectors) he can't be expected to have any further evidence.

I agree...unless he actuallyy asks him he won't know, but just because he is buiding an extension would not be justification for me to grass him up. If the other neighbour who knows for sure that the non worker is cheating the system then maybe the OP should ask him for evidence, or why has that other neighbour not grassed up the non worker, just seems like a couple of neighbours gossiping about someone who is building a better house for himself.

He may well be a benefit cheat and if the OP has the evidence and wants to grass his neighbour up then fair enough but I certainly wouldn't do it.

Still waiting on someone who has actually grassed someone up to respond although I won't be holding my breathe.
I know I am repeating myself but no one answered. Has anyone shopped a benefit cheat or someone they think is a benefit cheat....some of you have said you would have no problems doing it but have you actually done it or dont you know of any...that would be the easy answer I guess.

Yep. The fucker got off with it, as the DSS is such a pile of cock. They were following him to work, but he used to break the speed limit to get away from them so they gave up. True story.

Can i broaden the question.
Would you grass a relative if they were on the benifit fiddle?

Yep. I am of the enlightened position to be faithful to principles and not people. Just because some turd is tenuously connected to me by ugly people fucking, it don't stop me baby!

I've had a few beers now. Bought them myself from the money I earned. It's a great feeling. Some of you lazy fookers should try it.

Remember kids, if you let the government (via me the tax payer) pay for you, and you are able to get off your arse and work, you are not a man! Justify it how you like.

IANB. I love you.

:EDIT: 400 posts!
Yep. The fucker got off with it, as the DSS is such a pile of cock. They were following him to work, but he used to break the speed limit to get away from them so they gave up. True story.

Yep. I am of the enlightened position to be faithful to principles and not people. Just because some turd is tenuously connected to me by ugly people fucking, it don't stop me baby!

I've had a few beers now. Bought them myself from the money I earned. It's a great feeling. Some of you lazy fookers should try it.

Remember kids, if you let the government (via me the tax payer) pay for you, and you are able to get off your arse and work, you are not a man! Justify it how you like.

IANB. I love you.

:EDIT: 400 posts!

boring. night then.
Can i broaden the question.
Would you grass a relative if they were on the benifit fiddle?
ok both these are breaking the law of the u.k
1 claiming benifit when not entitled to do so
2 holding/storing /knowing having an illegal weapon (his father grassed him up and the son went to prison but his dad did say he would do it again)
not having a go ianb cos i have agreed with 90 % of your post ,just wondering where anyone draws a line as to the severity of each case. both have serious implications i.e
1 deprives someone who is legally entitled to claim and could get more if the fraud was not so large(prog on tv recently said couple claiminf loads benifit lived in BIG house an both han expensive cars)
2 nd case . gun gets used again to kill some one
either way people suffer cos of someones action
Yep. The fucker got off with it, as the DSS is such a pile of cock. They were following him to work, but he used to break the speed limit to get away from them so they gave up. True story.

Oh I am surprised....I have no issues at all with you for doing that.

Its strange because I really dislike the lazy fekkers but yet I wouldn't grass them up. Maybe I am warped afterall....I am a paddy afterall so thats my excuse and I am sticking to it.
but just because he is buiding an extension would not be justification for me to grass him up.

You are not grassing anybody. You are alerting the DWP to the fact that somebody who openly admits to claiming benefits is acting in a manner that would imply he has assets that he has not disclosed.

They investigate, AND AGAIN, if he is innocent he has nothing to worry about.
ok both these are breaking the law of the u.k
1 claiming benifit when not entitled to do so
2 holding/storing /knowing having an illegal weapon (his father grassed him up and the son went to prison but his dad did say he would do it again)
not having a go ianb cos i have agreed with 90 % of your post ,just wondering where anyone draws a line as to the severity of each case. both have serious implications i.e
1 deprives someone who is legally entitled to claim and could get more if the fraud was not so large(prog on tv recently said couple claiminf loads benifit lived in BIG house an both han expensive cars)
2 nd case . gun gets used again to kill some one
either way people suffer cos of someones action

I don't think knife/gun crime should trivialised by comparing it to benefit fraud. Someone dying and me be out of pocket are two different extremes.
ok both these are breaking the law of the u.k
1 claiming benifit when not entitled to do so
2 holding/storing /knowing having an illegal weapon (his father grassed him up and the son went to prison but his dad did say he would do it again)
not having a go ianb cos i have agreed with 90 % of your post ,just wondering where anyone draws a line as to the severity of each case. both have serious implications i.e
1 deprives someone who is legally entitled to claim and could get more if the fraud was not so large(prog on tv recently said couple claiminf loads benifit lived in BIG house an both han expensive cars)
2 nd case . gun gets used again to kill some one
either way people suffer cos of someones action

I see your point gez...honest I do but its totally different case as IANB said earlier.

Lets put it like this...if every benefit cheat was caught would I (a tax payer) benefit or would those entitled actually get more...I would say NO, they have a set amount and a supposedly rigorous assement interview, so its their job to do their job well and not be fobbed off by a tall story.
I don't think knife/gun crime should trivialised by comparing it to benefit fraud. Someone dying and me be out of pocket are two different extremes.

but thats my point 2 extremes
the person who frauduently claims benifit Could be depriving someone whe desperately needs it especially if kids are involved
and i am not trivialising knife/gun crime by comparing the im just saying that they are both wrong
You are not grassing anybody. You are alerting the DWP to the fact that somebody who openly admits to claiming benefits is acting in a manner that would imply he has assets that he has not disclosed.

They investigate, AND AGAIN, if he is innocent he has nothing to worry about.

But would his benefits be suspended until the investigation was over...I asked that earlier as someone said they would. IF they were then thats what would bug me, just because someone didnt like what I was doing they could report me and get my benefits suspended until end of case. said before I have worked since I left school so I don't know what it would be like to be on benefits and I hope I never know.
But would his benefits be suspended until the investigation was over...I asked that earlier as someone said they would. IF they were then thats what would bug me, just because someone didnt like what I was doing they could report me and get my benefits suspended until end of case. said before I have worked since I left school so I don't know what it would be like to be on benefits and I hope I never know.

Someone did mention that earlier and I agree that would be wrong, especially if people are living week by week. Suspending peoples payments would surely open the reporting system up to abuse.
But would his benefits be suspended until the investigation was over...I asked that earlier as someone said they would. IF they were then thats what would bug me, just because someone didnt like what I was doing they could report me and get my benefits suspended until end of case. said before I have worked since I left school so I don't know what it would be like to be on benefits and I hope I never know.

No mate, they dont stop the payments although cant say for certain now. by law they have to pay you a certain amount each week as a duty of care. When you claim for Incap benefit though, if you fail the medical they reduce the money that your paid until your appeal is dealt with.... if appeal is sucessful then they backdate the money they had stopped (normally around £1500) but if not sucessful they stop money.

They can though make you go to the DWP office daily to sign a attendence sheet and make you pick up the benefit from there as part of there investigation... had that done to me, was a pain in the arse.
But would his benefits be suspended until the investigation was over...I asked that earlier as someone said they would. IF they were then thats what would bug me, just because someone didnt like what I was doing they could report me and get my benefits suspended until end of case. said before I have worked since I left school so I don't know what it would be like to be on benefits and I hope I never know.

good point
i think that an immeadiate assement should be made and a sensible decision(if benifit crew could ever make one) should come within 12 hours of claim
if claim is fraudulant then by hook or by crook all monies paid should be returned with interest no question
if claim is not fraudulant then a little comp should be made an the person who "grassed" should be made aware the it is legit and a log kept of all of it for future reference incase of it being a revenge type thing by the grasser

to many norris's

just ask the guy. if he breaks your nose then you know it was feck all to do with you.

and then you'll have something to grass him for.
Benefits are only suspended if a preliminary investigation requires more work. Basically, when an investigator knows its going on, he then has to apply for suspension through the correct channels, whilst they gather evidence to present to court.

So you can sleep now jaffa.

to many norris's

just ask the guy. if he breaks your nose then you know it was feck all to do with you.

and then you'll have something to grass him for.

Again. If someone is living off my dime it is something to do with me.

If the guy wants to keep people out of his business, he could always pay his own way in life.

Something kooky like that.
just ask the guy. if he breaks your nose then you know it was feck all to do with you.

and then you'll have something to grass him for.

Sorry, have we turned a corner and ended up in prison rules or are we back at the playground.
So you can sleep now jaffa.


Ah cheers moz...oh me pal, I would never lose sleep over it as i wouldnt have grassed him in the 1st

@rs200...cheers for info m8. I know from some of your other posts that you had a rough time.
Again. If someone is living off my dime it is something to do with me.

If the guy wants to keep people out of his business, he could always pay his own way in life.

Something kooky like that.

you still did not answer my previous question

@mozr so somebody grasses you up for downloading and selling movies just knowing you only do for personal use. but the police come round find a few discs conficates all you electrical goods car keys freeze your bank accounts you can't pay your morgage. lose you house mrs fecks off left on your todd in a homeless unit. end up on the dole would you still be happy to report this guy who we really know nothing about..
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