pal xbox on NTSC tv


Inactive User
Dec 9, 2005
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Hello all,

I was wondering if an soft-modded xbox is playable on NTSC television in Suriname, Sout America (region 4)
With both pal games and ntsc games.

I remember when I tried a modded playstation1 (PAL), I got a scrolling black and white picture.

Will a pal to ntsc converter helps? because when I looked for one, it was stated (no scrolling picture).

I want to donate my cousin a game console.

Many thanks for your answers
There are two types of converter: (Taken from Lektropaks site)

Analogue converters are designed to change the colour frequency only. They are mainly used for viewing purposes only - transferring black and white picture to full colour. They are not suitable for rectifying unstable pictures.

Digital converters change the entire signal, and with their built-in TBC are suitable for both viewing and recording to any device.

I dont know much about modded xboxs but I do know that if it turns out you do need a digital converter it would be cheaper just to buy an NTSC xbox.
