Open ATV 6 EPGImport IPTV crashes box


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VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Latest Open ATV 6.4 on ZGemma H5, when ever EPG Im;ports IPTV EPG ot crashes box with the blue circle of death spinning. The EPG is set to save to USB pen (can see the wepg.dat file on the /media/hdd

any one had this issue before and any fix

Also can I use CrossEPG to import my IPTV EPG (I have the URL for the IPTV EPG)
No Crossepg wont import your IPTV epg.

Hard to say what causing the crash it could even be at your providers side and nothing to do with EPG Import.

You could test that theory by untickin your iptv provider and seeing if a sky epg downloads
forced another download now saving to internal flash and setting clear epg before import not crashed see how that goes