NZBGrabit Down or just me?

there twitter say

NZB Grabit ‏@NZBGrabit 13h ago

update .. vbulletin installed now restoring backup hope to be back in around an hour (or less)

so maybe having restore issues with the database
Looks like they are changing server host

"ok backup complete and transfer off site started

we will be engaging new server host we are waiting for new server to go live

we will then have to install forum software and upload offsite backup and restore it .. this is going to take several hours

we thank you for your patience and hope this resolves all the recent issues we have encountered

regards the NZBGrabit Team"
Posted about an hour ago


the new providers did their tests using their own servers to simulate 300 users online and where not happy with performance .. they are upgrading the server specs and tweeking the hardware .. they telling us this should be complete in next couple of hours .. will take them hour to install o/s and do final tests .. so hopefully in about 3 hours we get hold of server and can start install of forum and restoring backup ..

we know the time is annoying but the fact they are trying to provide a stable platform is a better sign than old host .. and a good sign for the future.

new host has cleared server for launch and sent us log in details

so ETA for upload is couple of hours and restore of backup about an hour

so fingers crossed and no issues 2-3 hours

we will paste the direct ip address on new NZBGrabit page only so can login once it is live without waiting for propogation

please click link and like new page for this update

regards NZBGrabit Team
not up yet. but soon hopefully

Good and Bad News,,, Bad First: We had to move servers again due to problems with the new host... BUT heres the good news we have installed the site and database is imported just fixing a few issues with nzbs not creating and Nameservers also updated so url should be active today as well please stand by for further updates
All back up now :) still re populating some bits but generally ok, I had a problem with Malwarebytes blocking the site but ok now