Newbie First time setup problem

Hi everyone, b4 I start let me apologise to everyone who may have answered my questions a thousand times b4. I have just got myself a debugged sagem dox2 and I have downloaded and followed the very well written DBox2Beginners Guide. My problem is that once I have flashed the Sportster 2005 x1image and services for cental scotland using DBox Command Centre the box remains unchanged and is still showing the original Yadi image and all the german channels that were there before I started. Any suggestions?
Tried dbox>service>reload channel lists but it comes back with no channels were found - execute scan. When try a scan I only have german providers and it cant find any channels.
bowo55 said:
once I have flashed the Sportster 2005 x1image and services for cental scotland using DBox Command Centre

I think he has changed the image (or at least attempted to change it)

Actually, HAVE you flashed the image or just copied it across? The DBOX Commane centre only COPIES the image across, you have to flash it manually yourself.

Go here, download the revised tutorial.pdf file, jump to page 15. That tells how to actually flash/write the file to your dbox.
bowo55 said:
<snip> My problem is that once I have flashed the Sportster 2005 x1image and services for cental scotland using DBox Command Centre the box remains unchanged and is still showing the original Yadi image and all the german channels that were there before I started. Any suggestions?

It quite plainly says "showing the original Yadi image and all the german channels that were there before I started." I take that to mean he hasn't flashed it.

The guide he is using gives all the instructions needed.

Persevere bowo55 you will be over the moon when you get it sorted.

Have Fun

Cannot Flash My Box

Using the updated Dbox2 Beginners Guide I tried all of thefollowing:

Dbox Command Centre
Tried but no Image available when I looked in in the “Flash without Bootloader” file.

Tried the Image Flashing Assistant (no null cable) after an hour
nothing had happened.

File Transfer Method FTP
Used Windows XP Internet Explorer with my settings (ftp:/root:[email protected]/tmp) or ftp:/root:[email protected]/tmp both could not be found or where not available.

Any one out there who can help. I AM GOING NUTS with this box!:mad:
You have a network problem. The connection is not getting through.

You NEED to:
1. Disable the built-in Windows XP Firewall for ALL CONNECTIONS
2. Disable any other firewalls you may have
3. Disable any anti-virus/spyware/adware/popup blockers.
4. If you have Norton, also disable the 'Worm Protection'.
5. Disable ALL connections under "Network Connections". Only 1 should be enabled - the one you are using.
6. Disconnect ANY internet modems, etc.
7. Disable any Firewire/1394 connections.
8. Assign a STATIC IP ADDRESS to your network card you use. (See tutorial)
Note: your IP address on the PC should be similar to, as you say that the IP address of your DBOX is

bowo55 said:
Using the updated Dbox2 Beginners Guide I tried all of thefollowing:
Dbox Command Centre
Tried but no Image available when I looked in in the “Flash without Bootloader” file.
Tried the Image Flashing Assistant (no null cable) after an hour
nothing had happened.
File Transfer Method FTP
Used Windows XP Internet Explorer with my settings (ftp:/root:[email protected]/tmp) or ftp:/root:[email protected]/tmp both could not be found or where not available.
Any one out there who can help. I AM GOING NUTS with this box!:mad:

Shouldn't that be
ftp:/root:[email protected]/tmp
dbox2 not dox2
have you tried pinging the box ?
That will let you know if the network is working ?

Keep at it you will get there.

Have Fun

Ok guys but I thought I had disconnected all firewalls etc. and the computer's ip was set at When using DBox Commend Centre I got the message that the files had been sucessfully transfered but as I said there was nothing in the file. I'll try again 2nite.
Btw my m8t has a fully functioning Sagem box. Can i take a copy of his image and services and and restore onto my box.
Is there a guide on how you backup/restore your services?
bowo55 said:
... thought I had disconnected all firewalls etc. and the computer's ip was set at

There is the problem. IP address of PC set at, where it should be set at

bowo55 said:
Btw my m8t has a fully functioning Sagem box. Can i take a copy of his image and services and and restore onto my box.

Yes, if his sagem box is also a 1x like yours.
Sucess as far as flashing the image sportster pro well done gav great image. However, I cant get any sound from any channels shown. I don't know if it is because it has the wrong services ( it's showing BBC Anglia but no BBC Scotland. I tried a full scan of all services with fast scan off but still no luck. I feel i'm getting close.
Any help appreciated. Any services for Greenock (West/Central Scotland?)