Mobile Phones New Phone Time!

Well i'm an HTC man as well. I use a touch hd with SPB mobile shell and its awsome.The display resolution is much better than the Iphone and there are 1000,s of apps for it.All free if you know where to look lol. Dont get me wrong the Iphone is a good phone , some bits are better than the HTC others are not .
It depends on what you want in a phone. If you like messing with it then the HTC is the way to go ,After all it's a pocket pc not a smart phone
I love my HTC hero, again like the winmo HD2 HTC have added their own interface to android called 'sense' which sets it apart from other android phones and is damn pretty. Why not wait for the HTC supersonic which is supposed to be an android version of the HD2,

Although my hero has a few foibles the new 2.1 OS is due out this month, the same as the one running on the Nexus.
bein a nokia person since swappin to iphone i cant c me lookin back at nokia. ive only just started messin about with the iphone but havent put it down since gettin it.. i got the nokia n97 thinkin it was the dogs balls but after few hours i got bored with it. u think its over for nokia as i just cant c them bringin out something thats going to win people over like the phones spoke about here..

that htc hd2 looks really nice btw
i bloody loved HTC for a long time , had numerous HTC phones ..
i had a brain fart and had a play with a blackberry for a bit .
goodbye winmo ,hello RIM
cant put the fukker down , its just incredible phone !
Same here - Looking for new phone when contract finishes.......Anyone played with the Nokia N900 or the Nokia X6??
