**new** One Day Pro Evo Cup, Registration

next saturday from 3 ok for everyone? lets get this on and finish it in one go, 7 days and counting.
fine with me mate just waiting for the next semi to be played and then we will get it finished.

Mr P
count me out of this one highlander, workin all weekend flip sake.. :(
def be in for the next tho. will get game played tonight in the other cup!
ARrgh I have to go out but will do my very very best to get back for three.
carnt wait for this wil log back on at half 2ish to see whats happening.

Good luck everyone

Mr P (blinders2007)
If there isnt too many playing could we play round robin qualify then semi , final ?
Save waiting about if you win or get pissed of if you had bad 1 game?

cheers chronoman
I thought all the people who signed up for this comp said they would be available for today starting from 3.

so really there wouldnt be any waiting around would they,we would just put the score on here asap as we finish then the next round of games can be arranged straight away until we finally have the winner.

Mr P(blinders2007)
well my 360 cant connect at the mo, sometimes happens and i have to wait for a bit, its not banned so i,ll try later, i dont see many others posting in for the comp, so we'll postpone it till 6pm and see if we get people posting in here,

i can see this being as bad as the first attempt, if it goe tits up this time, im not even bothering again.
Arrrgh I've just turned down lunch in town to get back. Not sure if I'm going to be around later, if I am I'll be on at quarter to.
well i still cant connect so im going to have to sit out this one, so someones going to have to volunteer to do the whos playing who and post.

think im going through internet slow down as its taking an age to load the net here aswell,

sorry guys but ive no choice,
Sorry lads, I'm going to have to go and get pissed instead tonight. Next time...