Network Problem


DW Member ++
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hi there, i've installed leopard OS on my machine, anyway i cant seem to get the internet working i've installed the ethernet drivers but it dont seem to connect to the isp. I'm using a virgin media connection running via a belkin router, heres a pic of what ip i get:


Help greatly appreciated,
sorry, but that really didnt mean a lot to me. I had another quick google using what I think is your chipset (430) and just found more people with the same problem as you, but no solution..
well, they are very cheap - so it might be a quick way to test this out. Also, if it doesnt work, you will still have a ethernet card to use in emergencies.

Have you done a quick google to see if there are any solutions to your problem at all?
You can't ping, or get a reply more to the point, because I think it's more to do with your network card than your router. In windows you could see your network card and do and ipconfig from a command window to see what is configured. Guess you must be able to do this in linux.

So does the OS see your network card?
one of his earlier screenshots shows the device is installed. However, this is probably hacked for a non Mac install, so could be giving incorrect information out.

In this instance, he doesnt need ipconfig, or the mac equivalent of it which is probably ifconfig, as this will only report the same info as shown in the screenshot. What is needed here is either a working driver or a hack.
well, they are very cheap - so it might be a quick way to test this out. Also, if it doesnt work, you will still have a ethernet card to use in emergencies.

Have you done a quick google to see if there are any solutions to your problem at all?

Yepp googled it many times with no luck, but what baffles me is the driver is installed and it connects to the router it just dont give me the correct ip etc. Suppose it looks like i'll have to buy a network card and give that ago.
thing is with bsd, is that you can install a driver for an interface like this and it will keep trying to work if it is a close match regardless. It could very well be that Mac os x sees it correctly and tries to make use of it, but the driver you are using is simply not correct for sucessful communications :(
thing is with bsd, is that you can install a driver for an interface like this and it will keep trying to work if it is a close match regardless. It could very well be that Mac os x sees it correctly and tries to make use of it, but the driver you are using is simply not correct for sucessful communications :(

Okie dokie then i'll get myself a new NIC card and get back to you,
Network card arrived today, i reinstalled leopard with the realtek lan drivers for the new network card and everything is working great,
Thanks for all your help,