Netflix or similar streaming tv to devices costs ?


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Jul 12, 2001
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Hi i am vaguely thinking about getting one of these services but i am just wondering what the bandwidth usage is per film / tv series ?

i would be watching on a netbook with a 3g dongle whilst i am out and about working (at times lots of sitting about waiting for parts etc)

if the data usage is high then it may make it uneconomical by the time you add subscription and then the dongle fees.

Anybody with any real life costs ?
It can depends a lot on the quality of the video and the compression. Remembering back to movies downloaded to the skybox and they where around 900mb each and up but I am currently out of the country and using the net a lot, I can download a 1 hours episode of tv shows from 150mb upwards I just then convert them to something my media player can reconise. You could get one of the 3g sims, 3 did one that gave you all you can eat data put it into a smart phone and set up a hotspot using your phone. It use to cost me around £15.00 a month. Giff Gaff also use to be good.
you don't have to pay for netflix if that helps at all if you have a console, I know your saying you watching it via a laptop,

shame you can't carry a Samsung, PS3, or an xbox 360 around with you. ;)
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you don't have to pay for netflix if that helps at all if you have a console, I know your saying you watching it via a laptop,

shame you can't carry a Samsung, PS3, or an xbox 360 around with you. ;)

hows that then?