Navigation of forums


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
Right over the week we have been working on adding better navigation to Digitalworldz, I would like to say a big thank you to snapman who did the graphics for my navigation buttons (cheers mate)

But would like to explain to anyone who cannot see them yet how to view them.

Please press ctrl f5 it will refresh all the images on the page and you should see the new orange and blue buttons above the nav bar.

I would also like to point out the MAIN MENU drop down button on the navbar I wrote this extra navigation button to point to all sections of the site that you can use on here - including all the latest additions we have.

So please use that Main Menu link if you need the arcade, covers, tvguide, video directory, etc.

There will also be some more updates over this weekend.

And I will try and find a nice dark skin for the zombie members on here.

Have fun and have a great weekend

Have fun and have a great weekend

As long as Liverpool stuff your lot we'll have a GREAT weekend :proud:
Keep up the good work mate :Clap:
Mickie mate just to let you know,dont know if its just me but the tabs along the top on internet explorer i cant see the writing. on my n900 its fine tho. same on internet explorer v6.0 you can see the writing.

Screenshot below.
Please press ctrl f5 it will refresh all the images on the page and you should see the new orange and blue buttons above the nav bar.

do as he says mate ^^^^^ :)
Mickie mate just to let you know,dont know if its just me but the tabs along the top on internet explorer i cant see the writing. on my n900 its fine tho. same on internet explorer v6.0 you can see the writing.

Screenshot below.