My mate needs help with new motorised setup

Just a wee update. We are now in business lol. We have all the regular east sats upto and including 31.5e - that's the only ones we/he has scanned since our last attempt at aligning the dish properly ect. Speaking to my mate today he tells me he hasn't bothered with the west sats as of yet but he intends to do a scan of these later tonight.
Thanks again for all the help from everyone. People on here have been very kind and patient with this particular sat newbie lol. Hopefully when I set mines up in a couple of weeks time It will all be a breeze.
Particular thanks for the pm's and the lend of a sat box for the night as well as advice and time given out by other members.
I owe ye all a beer or 3. (Well my mate does but it goes without saying that he is over the moon with all the help we have received from you guys).

that's all for now folks the next instalment will be my own set up which im pretty sure will be a 1m motorised dish coupled with a don't for 1 min think my questions are all answered. In the words of the Governor of California - "I'll Be Back" :Clap::proud::banana:
Absolutely delighted for you m8,
Well done you and your m8 :Clap: