modify ur cable modem to very high speeds


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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A friend of mine mailed this to me yesterday ,dont know if it works or it my be a load of cack I have'nt tried it yet .Just wondered if anyone else has seen or tried it ? :confused:

First, u need to goto Start, then run. Type in regedit in the box. Next, goto the
folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\VxD\MSTCP
Now, find the string DefaultRcvWindow . Now, edit the number to 64240 then
restart your computer. There you go. High speed cable modem now with out dloading a program.

WOW that would be great if it does work.......come on people someone must know if it works......:Clap:
i know you can modify your cable modems to get higher speeds (or should of said could) me and dave had a long chat about it b4 and found that you could do it but cable would know staight away and could tell.... i even have some softwrae somewhere for doing this :)

but maybe the software does what you said about the registry settings ???, i dunno but be careful and we aint responsable for any trouble if you get into any (have to say that sorry)
cable would know staight away and could tell....

If u do try it BE CAREFULL ...

best to leave well alone I think :(
yes ive heard of this and it can be done but they will find out after a week or so and just change it back so ive been told .hope this sheds a little bit more light on the subject.

ps... i dont think they will prosecute or anything like that but i state this is only what someone as told me so try at your own risk
cheers all..i dont think i'll bother ;)
The code you give changes it to 1MB, and the provider will discover you within a few days as this rate is normally used by business users. If you fiddle around with the code and find something around 512/600KB you will be ok.
i was looking to have a go, only to try then put back, but that string is not in registry :-( do you know if this for ntl or telewest or indeed if there is any difference ?
Originally posted by Rat
A friend of mine mailed this to me yesterday ,dont know if it works or it my be a load of cack I have'nt tried it yet .Just wondered if anyone else has seen or tried it ? :confused:

First, u need to goto Start, then run. Type in regedit in the box. Next, goto the
folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\VxD\MSTCP
Now, find the string DefaultRcvWindow . Now, edit the number to 64240 then
restart your computer. There you go. High speed cable modem now with out dloading a program.


Just tried your method m8, downloaded a program from with my original settings and got transfer speeds of around 80k a sec, then modified my settings as quoted, restarted my machine and tried downloading the same program but only got speeds of 38k a sec... so it appears it has a reverse effect on my setup.:(
this is a load of crap have my self looked into it it is all done by a cfg file that is held by ur ip provider
it is possible to download this cfg file edit it and then what u have to do is to fool ur modem in to looking on ur computer for this cfg file this tells the modem what spped it is aloud to download/upload at
but it wont take to long for the ip provider to find out
u will be find,kicked off,etc etc
so it is not worth it
Just a quickie - you can not be done for editing your registry settings as this is local. Modifying your cable modem is a big no no as you do not own it - you rent it
:eek: it's really not worth it people :grayno:
Increased connection speed

In this world, nothing is free and available bandwith is limited ( Digital World included ). If you change the registry settings as suggested you WILL be noticed, your connection speed WILL be reset and you WILL get a snotty letter from the provider.

Remember: The Price of freedom is vigilance.
i did something similar a while ago it was changed back within hours
reminded me of a story.

i worked briefly in tech phone support for NTL a while ago, job largely consisted of telling people to turn their cable boxes off and on again (resolved 80% of all problems - people hated that).

Now, they could tell immediately by looking at your customer account if you were using cracked/hacked cable tv. But they didnt care - it wasnt worth their while chasing individuals for the relatively small sums. And there were hundreds of people doing it in belfast alone. They really didnt care. They had far bigger fish to fry, ie the guys who modded the hardware.

Think the same applied to some extent with the cable modems for pc`s, but cant remember clearly.

An ubergeek i worked with while there was getting a 2mb connection while paying for a 128k connection which he explained as having a network at home and cloning IP addresses for the NTL network onto his home pc etc (as much detail as he gave).

However, he was an ubergeek and potentially talked as much crap as the sex he never had.
Uber alles

However, he was an ubergeek and potentially talked as much crap as the sex he never had.

Agreed ,yep these Ubergeeks normally waste peeps time, and end up very LONE-ly guys,lol

Scoot :)