mgcamd not starting properly on vix


VIP Member
VIP Member
Apr 29, 2007
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I have been messing about for days trying to get mgcamd running properly but it seems it does not start correctly from the gui, I have it running from the gui bt channels remain a black screen.
Ok so I have two softcam managers available one in ts panel and the image loaded one in vix, it seems that only mgcamd 1.38c will clear certain channels but on starting from either softcam manager then nothing happens. I am shutting down my other cams and i have edited mg.cfg to G: { 33 } and set the box type to dreambox. I have the latest k*y file loaded.

Here is what is required for it to work

Telnet into box
Type "ps" (this lists the running cams and their location.

Type "killall -9 cam" (replacing the word cam with the name of the running cam and kill all running cams this way)

Type "/usr/bin/mgcamd 1.38c" (or whatever the path is to the cam we want to run) and hey presto the cam starts to clear

All this work is courtesy of a member on here and not my own but my question to anyone with the right knowledge is can a script be implemented to emulate what happens when you telnet those commands to the box in order to start the cam correctly. I do not know if this is purely a problem for vix but I have had trouble using mgcamd on open pli also.
