Man sought by UK authorities over alleged sending of DVD

well, now I know, lol. I didnt think it would do any harm sending vids, didnt realise it was against the law, I guess all evidence must be heard in a court of law.

Conspiracy theorists will always exist, adds a bit of intrigue sometimes, makes you think about other things. In this vid, I found it hard to believe he knew the feelings of the wife etc. Latter part of the vid had things which probably were more believable, like the bus route for instance and the cancelled train.
purgatory...that makes the same for bbc. Just watched the vid and have to say some parts make me think? Was the oldest really a plod m8 and had visited the parliment with a mp? Never heard about the 3 shot near canary wharf.... Alot of questions there that need answering to be honest.. Will watch this one carefully!
I wouldnt be surprised if he got a heavy sentence or something, kill someone and you only get a few years, piss off the govt and thats it your f**ked.

The mans a legend ;P and wouldn't hurt a fly. He also has a Lot of friends .. and friends of friends .. and friends of relatives of friends .. if he goes down it will not be taken lightly. there will be repercussions and i don't mean violent ones ..
The mans a legend ;P and wouldn't hurt a fly. He also has a Lot of friends .. and friends of friends .. and friends of relatives of friends .. if he goes down it will not be taken lightly. there will be repercussions and i don't mean violent ones ..

you're talking in riddles now fella..

spit it out!!!

or is it a secret?

reply not expected
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I've watched this again.
He gets more vague the more you listen to it.

By the time we get to 36 mins he's coming out with crap like
"the odds against that happening by coincidence are unbelievable, and thus it is not possible that it was a coincidence"

WTF? ... no ... really?
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40:37 minutes
"witnesses of the tube train explosions state that there were no Muslims with backpacks"....

ok.. I give in.. what does a Muslim look like?


S'cuse me Madam but did you see a Muslim with a backpack.

No Officer but I saw a Brazilian guy with a newspaper under his arm does that count?
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The mans a legend ;P and wouldn't hurt a fly. He also has a Lot of friends .. and friends of friends .. and friends of relatives of friends .. if he goes down it will not be taken lightly. there will be repercussions and i don't mean violent ones ..


A legend in your own mind
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Purgatory, don't even come close! and now we are reaping the fruits of her work.

As v14 says, Im talking about the band, not the ex pm. To me, they are the best rock band ever, Ive seen them a number of times.

A legend in your own mind

As I see it, each man to their own and should try to respect what other people believe in. This bloke who wrote the dvd is someone "english" obviously respects, we shouldnt knock him for that. Im not saying I agree with the vid, but whatever he is doing doesnt really impact us. The author believes strongly in his work. Dont we have a right to freedom of speech? The fact that he sent it to judges etc is probably where he fooked up, like me, maybe he didnt realise it would be against the law.

emerald, not having a stab at you m8, dont get me wrong (though reading it again, it might sound like one :Hit:)

The mans a legend ;P and wouldn't hurt a fly. He also has a Lot of friends .. and friends of friends .. and friends of relatives of friends .. if he goes down it will not be taken lightly. there will be repercussions and i don't mean violent ones ..

english, what do you mean by that? If he has broken the law (maybe he didnt know it) then he will have to face the consequences. No one can argue about that. There shouldnt be any repercussions. Now if he didnt do anything wrong then gets sent down then thats a different story.
No offence to you but for someone else reading it, your comment sounds like an idle threat, hence the humour in it.

english, have you looked at the people on the other side, how they feel this vid is? IMO First few chapters was all assumptions, latter part looked more believable.

Read this

To me its all conspiracy theories. They will always occur when something like this happens. There may be elements of truth in it, there may not. But sure makes interesting reading at times.
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The mans a legend ;P and wouldn't hurt a fly. He also has a Lot of friends .. and friends of friends .. and friends of relatives of friends .. if he goes down it will not be taken lightly. there will be repercussions and i don't mean violent ones ..

The only repercussions for a radicalised Brit in Her Majesty's prison will be in his a$$.
you could pick this to shreds all night.

Not if you're gullible or very easily led.

You better watch what you're saying, people who know people who know some people may just er er er send you a DVD in the post.
english, what do you mean by that? If he has broken the law (maybe he didnt know it) then he will have to face the consequences. No one can argue about that. There shouldnt be any repercussions. Now if he didnt do anything wrong then gets sent down then thats a different story.

He sent evidence to people involved in that case, I'm not sure where the 'law' stands on that.

He didn't do anything wrong, so he ought not get sent down.

That's my opinion :)