Man sought by UK authorities over alleged sending of DVD

That's kinda weak! You can do better than that surely?

if u want me to say something spiteful its not happening. tool is enough ;)

i wouldnt have posted but emerald negged me again .. :yawn:

good little herbie top dog


BBC iPlayer - The Conspiracy Files: Series 2: 7/7 *****

thats the Beeb answer to the Ripple Effect and some sort of half analysis. interesting yet still full of holes ..

'Muad Dib's conspiracy video has been picked up and held up as truth. A copy of his film was sent to a survivor of the attacks and to the Chairman of the Birmingham Central Mosque, Dr Mohammed Naseem.

He has long harboured doubts about the government account. "The Ripple Effect is more convincing than the government statement," he says.

Dr Naseem made 2,000 copies of 7/7 Ripple Effect for the mosque. At Friday prayers he asked the congregation to raise their hands if they did not accept the government version - nearly the entire gathering did
.' - BBC.

Good night and God bless.

*****The Conspiracy Files - Series 2 - 7/7

A look at the mystery of the 7/7 bombings and the conspiracies surrounding them.

No longer available on BBC iPlayer
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What scares me the most about people, is that people actually believe this, Im sorry but are people so fckn deluded? I for one used to always say that Islamic terrorists and believers were mind fucked cos they knew nothn different because of were they grow up and are not proper educated, but here in this country were most of us have the option for a education that we cant see this video for what it is


The guy who made it shouldnt go to jail. He should be put on a stage and have us all do a a Nelson from Simpsons and point and chant "HA HA", "HA HA", "HA HA" over and over again:)
if u want me to say something spiteful its not happening.

BBC iPlayer - The Conspiracy Files: Series 2: 7/7 *****

ahh go know you want to ;)...

BBC iPlayer - The Conspiracy Files: Series 2: 7/7 is no longer avaialable on iplayer.e
Not surprising really, it was possibly the most worthless piece of TV the BBC has produced this decade.

For 90% of the programme it seemed to support the "ripple effect" film.
Then at the very death it exposed Anthony Hill as a crank who believes he's the messiah.

Mike Rudin is a're right m8.
Yet another one of you threads that has fallen flat on it's face.
you see no one gives a crap
i sat and watched the whole thing,and the guy is puddled it was interesting-dunno if any of it was true--its the first time ive seen that unfortunate mendez kid linked to the bombings

and the explosions do look like they came from underneath

but your man contradicts himself,makes wild assumptions and just generally ends up rambling and lowering any credability he had