Main site news???

Typical DW response, delete posts ban people and imposed a climate of fear for anyone even contemplating bringing any issue up that relates to the whats happening around the world or at home. We have the usual couple of members dictating what people can and cant discuss, and the mods deleting post willie nillie at the slightest mention of real life. Even me now i pick my words wisely and dare not mention the groups involved for fear of my posts being deleted or even getting banned. Pretty much the reason i have not posted anything, not that i am lost for words just in fear of the repercussions so I try to stay away from this site latley but glad someone had the balls to raise the issue well done Digger and condolances for the los of another member Miggy, it seems everyone gets banned sooner or later. Before you know it you wont have any member left that actually post anything?
I missed the post that got miggy banned....
I just hope its not permanent??

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I said in post 14 we can discus things in the news
I dont see why there is a page that has nothing to do with the original post lol but I darnt delete any posts ;)
So it happens again.....

R.I.P. Alan Henning.

It would seem that you were a truly decent human being.....

Thoughts are with his family x

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R.I.P Alan Henning what a sad waste of a life. Another very caring man killed by the hands of this barbaric race. Get it sorted Cameron you prick.:(
or beheading them?

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I was thinking more of how we could discuss it here? Without getting a bollocking?

There's a problem, here in the West we don't do radical very well, we sort of assume everyone thinks like we do. Problem is, they don't. If you want ISIS (or whatever they're called this week) removed then someone has to shoot them. Now, if the UK goes and shoots them then some UK young kids will die. Same applies to whichever country goes toddling over, some young kids will die from that country.

Problem, nobody wants that solution. Problem, there is no other way. On you M8.
I was thinking more of how we could discuss it here? Without getting a bollocking?

There's a problem, here in the West we don't do radical very well, we sort of assume everyone thinks like we do. Problem is, they don't. If you want ISIS (or whatever they're called this week) removed then someone has to shoot them. Now, if the UK goes and shoots them then some UK young kids will die. Same applies to whichever country goes toddling over, some young kids will die from that country.

Problem, nobody wants that solution. Problem, there is no other way. On you M8.
Then the solution is to save these innocent children and then go in and blow these sick barstewards up surely????.
Then the solution is to save these innocent children and then go in and blow these sick barstewards up surely????.

I'm afraid it is :( The problem is, what if your son/daughter is on the front-line? They could end up dead :(
I'm afraid it is :( The problem is, what if your son/daughter is on the front-line? They could end up dead :(

You dont join the armed forces without the knowledge that one day you may be on the front line!

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