@ madeinbeats HD ali

dude you got an ipk for this file mate ?
would be nice for a extra choice for new DW DM image if it will work :)
also mate whats happening woth the LT6 dw custom ? that will need updating too, to the neku modded one to work on PLi based images :)
ive only tried the LT6 files out on the twin, and they all went tits up, have you tried them on the DM yet asive not got round to that

i have existin file structures on the server for the TM800 that i can download and make ipk files for the brushed ali and the kerni-HD1-r2 skins

ill hopefully get them done tonight m8
I had troubles with the LT6 skin mainly crashing while trying to access network OK button
it seems the only 1 that truely works on PLi is the "neku modified LT6-HD" skin, I dont know whats been changed on it but that one is sweet, so maybe need re doing using that version ?
there is a 3 page thread over PLi forums about it