Mad Dog Mcree


VIP Member
VIP Member
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Has anyone managed to emulate this game? I heard that Daphne might be able to emulate it but could be wrong. Is it worth me looking into?
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I got mad dog at home on the philips cdi with the gun and all but couldn't get it to work properly. Sitting in the press now gathering dust.
i got it free with an xbox mag once but it was a dvd game and i had to use the dvd remote to play it.

wich was wierd.

it had dragons lair on the other side of the disc if i remember correctly

i suppose they would have worked on standard dvd players to

EDIT: heres the dvd game

never know you might find it for download somwhere ;)
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What were the problems?

I've played a lot of gun games on a lot of consoles and most were grand once you configured the line up but this one I got on the cdi was all over the place. Couldn't play the game. Not sure if I got a faulty gun or what. Tried other tv's but it was still the same. The line up wouldn't stay consistent. Game was unplayable. Didn't fancy paying for another gun from fleebay cos they were abit expensive.
Totally Agree

I bought a Cd-i with mad dog and gun. I paid 100. I know mad.

Played it once and it was unplayable even on a big tv. Gun was way off. Its just gathering dust now
I had it for my first pc, AMD 486/66, 8 meg ram, 170 meg hard drive, 1 mb video, Dos 6.22 those were the days