Phone Unlocking looking to get new mobile.



First off this is a post asking for a bit of advice as im looking for a new mobile, i think its in right place, but if not sorry in advance.

I currently have a Sony-Erricsson T610 and my contract is due to expire soon so i was wondering if anyone could recommend any handsets to look at? Im on the 02 network but havnt really noticed anything special on there site lately. Not looking to pay much for a handset (free if possible!) but may pay a little if its worth while.

Nokia 6230 m8 bluetooth and everything i think O2 are doing them free aswell
just had a quick look at both, both nice looking phones, samsung possibly winning on overall sexiness... however i know Nokias are reliable and use good software. Never owned a samsung, whats the software like on it? Ive heard they can be a bit slow and produce a lot of "loading" and "please wait" messages? but as i say not tried for myself. Also when the Samsung is fully open, how big is it? I couldnt get dimmensions on the site i was at.

flip phones really pi** me off as they are hard to use having to open and close all the time the nokia is no nonsence and easy to use
just saw the new Sony k700 and new Z1010 phones, they look rather good.

I hate having so much choice! New phones coming out all the time and knowing what to go for is tough.
if u want a phone thats does loads of things....[DLMURL],,33210,00.html[/DLMURL]
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huggi i just looked at that interesting ! but i dont think its bluetooth
of course the 6600 has bluetooth lol i got one here and i can assure u its the second best phone out at the moment (behind the p900) can do everything including play ngage games which is always nice :)

the bluetooth on the phone with the infra red and mmc card means its incredibly easy to hook up to ur computer and manipulate it til ur hearts content!
it aint that big really its just a bit wider than a normal phone m8 i suppose to accomadate the large screen on it
the phone is big, but u will get past that in no time! the amount of things it can do and potentially do is amazing, people are always in awe when u start watching a widescreen episode of the simpsons or music video!!

the phones arent worth anywhere near a grand!!! i think u can pick them up for around £230 simfree!
@siross u found any cracks yet for the software that comes with it i think it was u who pointed me to a site but i had no luck finding anything there
what software do u want for it exactly? name what kind of things u want and i will try me best to get them for u, or with a bit of luck i will already have them. but that site should have a lot of the stuff u need. if you've got msn add me mate

[email protected] :)