Looking for Openpli 4


iv made a openpli4 image with 27.5 working

just edit the tuner settings to match your dish
channel list is already setup

download it here


Thanks davvvo thats really appreciated and yes same as Ferret and AJT Said it helps loads to start to learn i have done some of this stuff years ago but not for a good few years so it has been a great help as i am starting out from scratch with this including a Technomate TM-2600 M2 DiSEqC System which i haven't done before. So all this will be a big help to me at my age the grey matter is a little slow (ill health is a factor as well) but it is something i want to try and do and set up... Now all i have to do is learn what else i need to do. Here in Spain we have lost all normal channels so this is my only way of moving forward as we don't have any phone lines or ADSL Nor normal TDT Services. where we live we get very few signals for anything. We only just get mobile if you are in the right place in the house. So if i can sort this out the missus will be very happy. Me to.. As i said before thanks guys for all your help especially davvvo...

Although for some reason it wont let me download it saying i don't have the rights to access the page!!
can someone tell me why i cannot download the file as i have sufficient posts etc. And have been activated (obviously as i am posting LOL) any other reason that would stop me??
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It is much appreciated mate
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