london mayor, is he on drugs!!!!!


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VIP Member
Feb 20, 2006
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BAS Vegas
I was totally shocked when i heard that hanser (what ever his name is) son who is a convicted terrorist in another country was able to be employed by london underground (wrong, private consortium metronet / tublines). Its was bad enough that happining then the so called mayor of london said "ITS NO BIG DEAL". Im sorry does he not remeber the carnage of last year. When i originally applied many years ago to work for London underground i had to have a criminal record report (pretty standard in most jobs now) and im still employed by the company now, but if i get convcted of anything (baring minor motoring offences) i have to let the company know and they will take action (ie if i got convicted of possession of drugs i would be instantly dismissed).
But i work for london underground, this hanser to$$er worked for metromess (aka to the general public as metronet tubelines), do they not check their prospective employees histories on there now. I worked and have it eternally etched in my memory of the bombings from last year, although i wasnt at the forfront of the bombings, i had to walk out over 900ppl from my train, i can remember sitting in the cab after and how quiet everything was, deathly quiet which was the most haunting thing for a busy metro system like ours.
Every one knows its better the devil you know but to take them on and let them work in such a sensitive area where he could leave a little package is beyond beileif, then the mayor saying its no big deal is a right kick in the bo....k$. Of course its no big deal to you sitting in your ivory towers all day, when the rest of the guinni pigs spend 8hrs open to this possiblity, KEN YOUR A FOOKING TWAT, : tosser :
metromess / tubelines are bigger : tosser :
thanks for listening

rant over
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yeah he is mate (on drugs that is). think its cra*k, or maybe a bit of H. Heard he enjoys it at nights. ALLEGEDLY!
i dont think he's on drugs just seriously deranged ! I blame the pollution myself !
Must admit was a bit shocked myself to here he was also allegedly convicted of being a terroist in one of the arab countries.would make me nervous i think if i knew he was about on the tube.Nothing will be done tho till another bombing cos we can't "affect" HIS human rights. we must at all times be polictally correct.
why dont you lot strike till the fecker is fired

too late he already has been dismissed for something unrelated, it was only the press that dragged it out. Also now the way the company has been split (god bless labour : tosser : ) it would be like airline pilots strike for bus drivers, were completly different companys.
I was totally shocked when i heard that hanser (what ever his name is) son who is a convicted terrorist in another country was able to be employed by london underground (wrong, private consortium metronet / tublines). Its was bad enough that happining then the so called mayor of london said "ITS NO BIG DEAL". Im sorry does he not remeber the carnage of last year. When i originally applied many years ago to work for London underground i had to have a criminal record report (pretty standard in most jobs now) and im still employed by the company now, but if i get convcted of anything (baring minor motoring offences) i have to let the company know and they will take action (ie if i got convicted of possession of drugs i would be instantly dismissed).
But i work for london underground, this hanser to$$er worked for metromess (aka to the general public as metronet tubelines), do they not check their prospective employees histories on there now. I worked and have it eternally etched in my memory of the bombings from last year, although i wasnt at the forfront of the bombings, i had to walk out over 900ppl from my train, i can remember sitting in the cab after and how quiet everything was, deathly quiet which was the most haunting thing for a busy metro system like ours.
Every one knows its better the devil you know but to take them on and let them work in such a sensitive area where he could leave a little package is beyond beileif, then the mayor saying its no big deal is a right kick in the bo....k$. Of course its no big deal to you sitting in your ivory towers all day, when the rest of the guinni pigs spend 8hrs open to this possiblity, KEN YOUR A FOOKING TWAT, : tosser :
metromess / tubelines are bigger : tosser :
thanks for listening

rant over

i dont fink he is on drugs but 1 fing i lyk awt him is dat his got guts...he does wat he lyks unlike other politicians.