Links with referrals

Why is it we are seeing more and more links to sites with referrals in them ?
These are all pyramid schemes and surely are not worth the hassle .
Why are they being allowed on this site ?

To me its bringing this great place down a peg or two , just my opinion .
I think timekeeper is referring to the 'free ipod' etc links that keep appearing in the bargain section.

The problem is they are, technically, not illegal so don't break the rules of the forum. However, the only reason they get around the law surrounding pyramid schemes and other 'gifting' scams is you don't pay any money to the people running the sites, they instead get revenue from the links you have to click.

Apparently some do pay out, but the 'proof' is usually US based sites, or that they've been on the news (but a link to the story is rarley provided). However, I've yet to see a post by a member saying that they have received their goodies, and alot to say they've had spam.

Perhaps a fourth bargain room is the answer where these 'bargains' can be moved to by Rat and the other mods. But it could just be easier to ban the posting of referred links, and those that do get moved to the scam room.

Rat did ask us what we wanted, but it got lost in amongst one of the threads regarding these free items. (Perhaps a poll in the bargin section could gauge members' perfered option)

Refer to: This, this and this