Laptop choice ?

Don't buy the Dell, my mate just bought the Studio 1537 (?) Had it three days and sent it back. The sound quality was piss poor. I heard it for myself, and I'm no audiophile, but my 3 Y/O's CD player from Early Learning has better sound quality. Tinny, awful racket.
hi all my first post here
i actually think Dells arent that bad for the price cause i have one. It may not be the best but definately better than anything acer produces IMO.
Comparing Dell with Acer, i would also say go for the Dell. If the worst thing about a Dell is thats its tinny thats a good thing, as the Acer might not be tinny (who cares) but will be low quality and unreliable. Go for the tinny one :)
The wife has an Acer AS5735.I know it's not the model your looking at but i can say this is a cracking little laptop and so far she has had no problems with it and it is still in one piece.
only downfall is the battery life is only about two and a half hours and it runs vista home which i can't get on with.
All in all i think too many people get hung up on branding,do your home work then make a choice.BTW i have a Dell desktop but trying to give a honest opinion.
ive got the 1525, great piece of kit... Ive always been a fan of dell and their customer service is 1st class... Had mine since mid May and no problems whatsoever...
ive got the 1525, great piece of kit... Ive always been a fan of dell and their customer service is 1st class... Had mine since mid May and no problems whatsoever...

Does the 1525 have spdif output for audio & infa red & can it output dolby digital.
Does the 1525 have spdif output for audio & infa red & can it output dolby digital.

not really techie person m8, glad to help u out if u can tell me where i can find these things...
the spdif is gong to look like the headphone jack 3.5mm but your not going to tell by looking at it.

well there's two headphone jacks (with the headphone symbol) and there's also another jack with a funny looking symbol next to it..