just become a dad.

Congratulations mate, all the best to you all.
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sent from my bedroom using speech recognition - to tired to type
Congratulations To You Both great feeling being a parent good luck and have fun
Congratulations m8, and now the fun begins. "yay" :thumbsup:
Congratulations to you and your wife my all your troubles be little one's, untill they hit the teens :( then the trouble starts
Congratulations mate :)
really pleased for you :)
was it a Boy or Girl ?

thanks for sharing your happy news mate :thumbsup:

didnt put much in my first post as i was knackered i'd only had 2 hrs in 48 until last night i managed another 5 hrs.

she's a girl, both the baby and missus are doing well but they had to stay in and go to the transitional ward, basically a ward for small babies, not premature as thats for earlier very small babies, transitional is a ward that means there ok but not ready for home until they have been monitored to see if they can regulate there own body temperature and are eating well, some smaller babies cant regulate there own temperature so this is why she's still in they have to keep tabs to see if she can and so far so good.

Lily weighed in at a whopping (no not really) 4lbs 8oz, shes a tiddler but perfect in every way. both are fit and healthy so it shouldnt be long before they are both home.
cheers for the update :)
she is a dinky little thing :)

best of luck mate ;)
Congratulations to both of you.

I hope your daughter and wife join you at home as soon as possible.
Congratulations mate.

There is nothing like having your own child.
congratulations to you and your family....

happy days.. :)