


good joke? is it?

michael jackson a nun some school kids and saddam on a plane flying 30,000 ft above the ground,
all if a sudden plane starts tro cough and splutter,
pilot runs into back of plane "weve got to bail out but theres a problem theres only 6 parachutes"
"im the captain and i,ll choose who gets a chute"
"nun you can have one cos of your work with god"
straps on on and jumps out,
"you three children can have one apiece cos youve got yopur whole life ahead of you "
they strap them on and jump.
im the pilot so i get one
saddam you can have one cos your not a bad person are you really
straps it on and jumps,
mj starts to cry,
every one got a chute except me im going to die,
nope replys the pilot,
i gave saddam one of the kids rucksacks!