James Bond Blue Ray


Inactive User
Apr 4, 2006
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hey all got my free blu ray this morning gota say i watched 10 mins od it and was that impressed my missis had to tell me to turn it off so that we could both watch it later
yup - just got min about 5 mins ago. I only showed my missus the box and she's just booked time with me to watch it tonight!
I downloaded James Bond Casino Royale and watched it a few nights a go, and omg it is brilliant isn't it!

I would love to watch it in HD, and one day once I have HD equipment i'll make sure I do. It is a great film, and would be on its own without being part of the Bond series.
I think the film is really shit really. I think all the women just wnat to see Daniel Craig in his undies
Blue Ray is Fantastic, but I do agree with ZeroFool2005 The movie itself is "lets say aimed at the Brokeback Mountain" fan club - THe bond girl is not even hot ???? oh well still worth watching just for the DB9 Scene
Blue Ray is Fantastic, but I do agree with ZeroFool2005 The movie itself is "lets say aimed at the Brokeback Mountain" fan club - THe bond girl is not even hot ???? oh well still worth watching just for the DB9 Scene

i agree the sexiest thing in that film was the DB9!
yep got mine too running in hd! was amazing!!!!
when did all of you register your PS3's !!
bond is amazing film, if this is what blue ray has to offer then it's bye bye to dvd's. You get the full benefit with a 1080p tele tho.

As for when i registered my PS3, I got mine on the day of the launch so did it then. From what i've heard on other sites if you didn't register within 5 days you won't be getting the film as in They sold over 500,000 units in that time period and the odds are everyone has registered.
if you didnt get one from sony. go onto ebay there are loads of them going very cheap because there are that many around. alot of people who got them from sony put them straight on ebay, so you can get it for a bargain on there.
they must send them out in batches as i registered mine a day after launch,and my cousin registered his when he got it at the start of april ,and we received them both on the same day.
i registered on the 8th April and i recieved it today 27th April. It take about 3 weeks
yeh haven't recieved anything yet. but does stated upto 3 weeks.

For some strange reason i will be getting my 3rd copy shortly for a US console
strange I didn't think I'd get one as I only registered my ps3 around 3 weeks ago but it turned up yesterday.

Quite suprised how nice it looks although seeing film stars looking all haggard in the close up shots isn't that much better hehe.
I think they have a DB of serials that they would ship the Bond to once registered. I think they shouldve just put it inside the box