Ive set up a quiz

Like I asked u in my PM daz please tell me how its done

but that was days ago and no reply
they are even laughing about it in the shoutbox.....(oh quick you'd better delete the shoutbox so no-one sees it!!!)

I know you peeps are cheating..

Look at quiz shoutbox and you will see that I laughed about getting 10/10 yesterday...so therefore you must be calling me a cheat with the comment above. That is so funny, I think you have lost the plot m8, I am 26th and over 300 points behind the leader, I couldnt get 300 points in a year...lol.

That really is a stupid comment, I don't mean to be rude with this comment but its a simple case of put up or shut up Daz, if you know the way to cheat the system then let admin know, you dont have to post it in open forum.

I do the quiz for a bit of fun, not to win or educate myself, just pure and simple enjoyment of laughing at myself when I see all the Xs to my answers.
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my worse score ever lol and I cheated ;)
Well you can ban me from it as well. Fucking ridiculous trying to have a daily quiz with the cheats who are playing it.

SHOOIETHEMUG is the biggest cheat followed closely by SEEDY ROM. Have a look...they are even laughing about it in the shoutbox.....(oh quick you'd better delete the shoutbox so no-one sees it!!!)

I know you peeps are cheating..seen how its done on another forum and thought it would be different here but sadly not the case.Obviously people like Shooie have to feel wanted in some way....dog bollocks and all that....(little dick! big car!)
I've already been asked by admin how they are doing it and I'm not saying.Thats for them to find out! The jokers posting about the cheat system being turned on are the very people who are laughing about it. There is a anti-cheat system but its VERY easy to get around.
Anyway, thanks to Rat for actually setting the game up and it would have been interesting if not for the shitty little trust abusers!
Enjoy your game shooie.....you tosser!

Daz mate, your talking balls. If you know how they are cheating, then show. Sounds to me, that your a bad loser mate, or are an attention seeker. If I knew people were cheating, and how, then I would flag it up. You need to remember this is a bit of fun, and not a serious winner takes all quiz. I couldnt care less if shooie or others are cheating, upto them really. But whats the point at cheating in a little forum fun quiz? Not like there going to win a pot of money.

With regards to anti cheat system, my girlfriend is playing this quiz too, and she always logs on after me, and I looked at her questions, and she didnt have one I had. So that is 20 different question permetations, but I assume there is more, so thats quite a few combinations, perhaps someone with good math skills can work out the exact amount.

As for seeing how they cheat on other forums, perhaps you should FO back to the other forums, as all your doing here is making yourself look an idiot. Your like a 4yr old. "I know a secret, but I am not saying", well go and play elsewhere little boy.

I think its time to put up, or shut up. You choice Daz.
Well you can ban me from it as well. Fucking ridiculous trying to have a daily quiz with the cheats who are playing it.

SHOOIETHEMUG is the biggest cheat followed closely by SEEDY ROM. Have a look...they are even laughing about it in the shoutbox.....(oh quick you'd better delete the shoutbox so no-one sees it!!!)

I know you peeps are cheating..seen how its done on another forum and thought it would be different here but sadly not the case.Obviously people like Shooie have to feel wanted in some way....dog bollocks and all that....(little dick! big car!)
I've already been asked by admin how they are doing it and I'm not saying.Thats for them to find out! The jokers posting about the cheat system being turned on are the very people who are laughing about it. There is a anti-cheat system but its VERY easy to get around.
Anyway, thanks to Rat for actually setting the game up and it would have been interesting if not for the shitty little trust abusers!
Enjoy your game shooie.....you tosser!

No, what is rediculous is attempting to have an adult discussion with what is obviously a spoiled little boy.

You've been given ample opportunity to explain how anyone can cheat in the quiz, but you have declined.

If there is a way of cheating, please tell all of us, I for one would want to check it out so that we can safeguard against it in future.

You have spouted your crap in the quiz shoutbox, where, until the last week, it has been civilised banter.
You have accused me & other members of cheating.
I'll tell you something you insignificant little prick, I AM NOT A CHEAT!
I have values & I stand by them.
The reason Rat chose me to assist in the running of the quiz is because I have earmed his trust.
This is a FUN quiz, you clearly do not know the meaning of the word.

As I said previously, the quiz has been running for a number of years now with only one other blot in it's history, now within the space of a couple of weeks, we have a couple of brats trying to ruin it for everyone else.

You can bugger off with your "If you don't let me win, I'm not playing" attitude.

You have a problem young man, I suggest that you seek help.

I won't ban you from the quiz (for now), I trust you'll have the strength of character to stay away from it & not act like an idiot in the shoutbox.

If you're going to spit out the dummy again, you WILL be treated like a child.
Well you can ban me from it as well. Fucking ridiculous trying to have a daily quiz with the cheats who are playing it.

SHOOIETHEMUG is the biggest cheat followed closely by SEEDY ROM. Have a look...they are even laughing about it in the shoutbox.....(oh quick you'd better delete the shoutbox so no-one sees it!!!)

I know you peeps are cheating..seen how its done on another forum and thought it would be different here but sadly not the case.Obviously people like Shooie have to feel wanted in some way....dog bollocks and all that....(little dick! big car!)
I've already been asked by admin how they are doing it and I'm not saying.Thats for them to find out! The jokers posting about the cheat system being turned on are the very people who are laughing about it. There is a anti-cheat system but its VERY easy to get around.
Anyway, thanks to Rat for actually setting the game up and it would have been interesting if not for the shitty little trust abusers!
Enjoy your game shooie.....you tosser!

I won't dignify your childish comments any further than to say you are clearly the most intelligent person ever to play the quiz and I agree that all those that finish above you are clearly cheating........myself included.

I promise that from now on I will wait until you play to ensure you have the best chance. I promise never to cheat and just to guess all the time.

Someone of your obvious intelligence deserves our utmost respect as you have always put up such reasoned arguments backed up by irrefutable fact!


Nah, I'm only kidding, you really are a spoiled brat, clearly mollycoddled from an early age and never told the truth by anyone in your circle of friends or family.


You are a FUD!


shooiethe(cheat, tosser, whatever else you want to call me, but nobodies)mug
...If you know how they are cheating, then show. Sounds to me, that your a bad loser mate, or are an attention seeker......... I couldnt care less if shooie or others are cheating, upto them really. ...........As for seeing how they cheat on other forums, perhaps you should FO back to the other forums, as all your doing here is making yourself look an idiot. Your like a 4yr old. "I know a secret, but I am not saying", well go and play elsewhere little boy.

I think its time to put up, or shut up. You choice Daz.

Good points well made Janobi, but honest I'm not cheating ;)
Jaffa,Rat,Janobi,Seedy Rom,Shooie..............

Like I care :tongue::tongue::nerner:
This thread has been running since 21st May 2005 and is 48 pages long without many,if any hick ups

daz again m8 I have asked u to pm me all the details on how to cheat days ago but u fail to reply :(
Ive never felt the need to remove anyone from the quiz before m8 but u left me no choice,with ur unproven remarks on cheating

also please read our own Digitalworldz Rules,this one in particular
Any member found making racist/religious and/or defamatory comments, inciting anger amongst members; thereby causing distress to them, or their families, WILL be banned.

can we please put an end to this now please :)
and get back to enjoying the quiz ;)
Jaffa,Rat,Janobi,Seedy Rom,Shooie..............

Like I care :tongue::tongue::nerner:

Obviously you do or you wouldn't post what you have!

This thread has been running since 21st May 2005 and is 48 pages long without many,if any hick ups

daz again m8 I have asked u to pm me all the details on how to cheat days ago but u fail to reply
Ive never felt the need to remove anyone from the quiz before m8 but u left me no choice,with ur unproven remarks on cheating

also please read our own Digitalworldz Rules,this one in particular

can we please put an end to this now please
and get back to enjoying the quiz

Nice one Rat, I agree, let's hope Daz does as well!
This thread has been running since 21st May 2005 and is 48 pages long without many,if any hick ups

daz again m8 I have asked u to pm me all the details on how to cheat days ago but u fail to reply :(
Ive never felt the need to remove anyone from the quiz before m8 but u left me no choice,with ur unproven remarks on cheating

also please read our own Digitalworldz Rules,this one in particular

can we please put an end to this now please :)
and get back to enjoying the quiz ;)

I'm not too big a man to admit I may have been wrong. Been having a bad couple of days and somehow (**** knows how) the quiz ??? seemed to just get me rattled. Lashing out at people who don't deserve it.
Lets just get back to the quiz.
I'm not too big a man to admit I may have been wrong. Been having a bad couple of days and somehow (**** knows how) the quiz ??? seemed to just get me rattled. Lashing out at people who don't deserve it.
Lets just get back to the quiz.

Good man daz. Welcome back to the fold. Now where did I put that cheat sheet. lol.
I'm not too big a man to admit I may have been wrong. Been having a bad couple of days and somehow (**** knows how) the quiz ??? seemed to just get me rattled. Lashing out at people who don't deserve it.
Lets just get back to the quiz.

I accept your apology and am happy to resume honourable battle on the field of quiz! ;)
I'm not too big a man to admit I may have been wrong. Been having a bad couple of days and somehow (**** knows how) the quiz ??? seemed to just get me rattled. Lashing out at people who don't deserve it.
Lets just get back to the quiz.

No "may" about it Daz, you were wrong.

The people you lashed out at have names, it would have been nice if you mentioned them in your post.

It seems that this is the closest we're going to get to an apology from you, so in the spirit of good gamesmanship & the season of goodwill etc, I will accept it from you, Whether Rat and the other guys you slandered accept it is another matter.

If there are any more suspicions of cheating, please PM myself or Rat and we will look into it.

I'm not too big a man to admit I may have been wrong. Been having a bad couple of days and somehow (**** knows how) the quiz ??? seemed to just get me rattled. Lashing out at people who don't deserve it.
Lets just get back to the quiz.

Nice one Daz...we all have are bad days. Did my score yesterday change your mind....lol and trust me, I was trying.