is NZBeez down


Inactive User
May 19, 2007
Reaction score
is NZBees down i have been trying to get in for about two days: multi :
it has been down for me too mate...

dont know whats up either...
no worries mate, hopefully it will be back up and running soon....
Its up now, but theres a new domain - NZBeez, freedomtoshare still works, but its slowly being phased out i think.
They are moving to new servers will be back within 24 hrs


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worth registering for this? been using crawler and its decent but not as good as matrix was?
worth registering for this? been using crawler and its decent but not as good as matrix was?

None of them are as good as matrix yet. The thing was matrix is they had over 50 people manually filtering through the crap and making releases out of them.
hum maybe this is why....

We have been contacted by an English company asking us to desist hosting copyright material.
Although we are not under any UK jurisdication or a UK website we still take this very seriously and will not be tolerated!

We have therefore since conducted a thorough search to our best ability of the site, however we have not found any copyright right material uploaded or hosted, illegal or otherwise on the site.

Either someone is confusing matters or we have missed something (please refer to our FAQS here

If you are aware of any copyright material on the site please help us by letting us know where and what. You can tell any member of staff in confidence and it will be dealt with immeadiately.

Any member found who has, uploaded or is uploading any copyright right material to the site will be banned for life!

Thanks for your co-operation and understanding in this matter.

The Nzbeez Team
They don't have any copyright material,none of them do,they just host nzb files ;)

sent using my telepathic powers

it was an email sent out by The Nzbeez Team. looks like they have been getting hassle though the reason for the downtime is they moved servers and where unavailable until the DNS updated.
it was an email sent out by The Nzbeez Team. looks like they have been getting hassle though the reason for the downtime is they moved servers and where unavailable until the DNS updated.

I know m8 I got one myself :)
They don't have any copyright material,none of them do,they just host nzb files ;)

sent using my telepathic powers

Doesn't stop MRAA going after them, the main tactic these days appears to go after Credit Card companies and paypal, etc. Once revenue is cut off then the site soon closes