Is My Tv About To Go T*ts Up?


Member ++
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Over the past month or so it has had random spells of just switching off and the little light on the front sits flashing, then theres occasions where the picture goes totally green, you can here the sound but can see nothing only a green screen.

The wife says we can't get a plasma until this old 28" CRT dies, Is my day about to come??:proud:
If you want rid of it to get a plasma tell her you read on the net its about ready to go and could catch fire or something so you have to get a new tv asap :)
Sounds like the tube is on the way out/shorting intermittently, probably a philips tube.
Say for instance one want to put this poor TV out of its missery, how would one go about this with getting detected:proud:?
I presume one could accidentally spill liquid into it, or, Heavens forbid drop it whilst doing a bit of spring cleaning.
I presume one could accidentally spill liquid into it, or, Heavens forbid drop it whilst doing a bit of spring cleaning.

Wait to you hear this :( I thought I would be smart while the wife was out and turn the colours right down so there was no picture, I headed of out and then arrived back to to find my wife in a panic state "Theres no picture on TV" Right i'll look at it now but I think its on its way out, we'll need a new one I said. "No theres no point, I've phoned a repair guy to come around and have a look" How much does that cost I said "£45" she said, £45!!! I said, I'll have a look,:Doc: So I fixed the colour etc, I have it fixed I said, "Oh thank god for that, I had visions of us having to go to Agros to buy a new TV" Can we not just go and buy a new TV, that ones ancient looking I said, Not until that ones broke she said Angryfire:Angryfire
Wait to you hear this :( I thought I would be smart while the wife was out and turn the colours right down so there was no picture, I headed of out and then arrived back to to find my wife in a panic state "Theres no picture on TV" Right i'll look at it now but I think its on its way out, we'll need a new one I said. "No theres no point, I've phoned a repair guy to come around and have a look" How much does that cost I said "£45" she said, £45!!! I said, I'll have a look,:Doc: So I fixed the colour etc, I have it fixed I said, "Oh thank god for that, I had visions of us having to go to Agros to buy a new TV" Can we not just go and buy a new TV, that ones ancient looking I said, Not until that ones broke she said Angryfire:Angryfire

very funny, nearly wet myself.
Its a pricey fault and its not worth fixing- however it could strugle on for some time to come - just come home with a new TV one day :) job done.

I dont recall panasonic ever using phillips tubes - its more than likely a pana brand widescreen quintrix screen and ill wager its possibly a dt30 or a dt40, otherwise known as a dtfaulty by us pana nerds. Mind you that is a REALLY wild guess - the odds are massive!
As a rule if the telly has the quintrix logo in the top left then it is 100% a pana tube - and a 160 quid fix job :grayno:
Its a pricey fault and its not worth fixing- however it could strugle on for some time to come - just come home with a new TV one day :) job done.

I dont recall panasonic ever using phillips tubes - its more than likely a pana brand widescreen quintrix screen and ill wager its possibly a dt30 or a dt40, otherwise known as a dtfaulty by us pana nerds. Mind you that is a REALLY wild guess - the odds are massive!
As a rule if the telly has the quintrix logo in the top left then it is 100% a pana tube - and a 160 quid fix job :grayno:

Simply not true mate, I have had many a panasonic in with a faulty tube, there will be a panasoninic label on the tube but if you peel it off and hold it to the light you will see the panasonic label has been stuck over a philips label, It's a fact ;) also the trade price for a tube will be about 160, probably more, never economical and you simply wouldn't get one supplied and fitted for 160, no way.
Simply not true mate, I have had many a panasonic in with a faulty tube, there will be a panasoninic label on the tube but if you peel it off and hold it to the light you will see the panasonic label has been stuck over a philips label, It's a fact ;) also the trade price for a tube will be about 160, probably more, never economical and you simply wouldn't get one supplied and fitted for 160, no way.

if you say so m8 - although I must admit that there has never been a reason to peel off any stickers and hold them to the light in my service department, the black box in house technology like light masking and honeycomb pixeling is clearly evident in quintrix sets - phillips had nothing like it, having said that I have seen a few daewoo tubes sneaking in - not in quintrix / quintrix sr sets, plus they had 3 huge tube making factories in japan - what on earth went on in there i wonder! you know that there is nothing wrong with his tube - the price is for a section of digital board that will need switching as this has always been at fault with these sets in my experience - thats how I recognised the brand from the fault he described, sadly too much experience in this field
Tthe trade for tubes is crazy silly - never worth a repair, are you a service engineer then m8?
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