iPhone Is anybody after a iphone


DW Regular
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
i might be selling mine,

reason is, i may be getting another one which is 16gb

8gb, back cover is scratched,

just getting interested first before am 100% ready to sell it

Is it the 2G version?

How much are you looking for it, less than £160?
believe or not i can get the new iphone 3g 16gb white/black for 300$ Uk company, £200 and thats expensive lol.
i wud be interested but not for more than 160 as back is scratched, 2g and 8gb
If you can get a 16GB for £200 new then I can get one for £4 :)

without proof we can all talk shit lol

Note. please dont take that as an insult as it wasn't ment to be its just if you can get them that cheap then let people know where from or don't say anything in the 1st place if your not willing