@ iQ, UR, TM, michael jackson, elvis & ET


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
48 days ago, TM800 owners were PROMISED (again) that within 4 weeks, all of the problems of the last year or so, would be a distant memory, and EVERYTHING on this receiver would be fixed and working. 48 days ago, nobody believed a word of it, and decided to call the UR teams bluff, and even gave them an extra 20 days.

As expected, the UR team bottled out, and the all new 'iQ' team took over, and guaranteed that well within the time frame that the UR team promised, everything would be hunky dory.

the time frame given by the UR team, that both TM and iQ said wouldnt be a problem, expired 19.5 days ago, and the 20 day 'buffer' is up in about 12 hours time from the time of this post

you have linux experts who have worked closley as beta testers since the release of the TM9100, whos advice and suggestions you are ignoring, you have linux novices and members of public forums creating fixes, patches and releasing images which out perform the 'official' releases

WTF is going on??

members of numerous forums, have in total spent THOUSANDS of hours, for free, helping. members of numerous forums, who helped, have also given up and moved on.

at the time this thread gets posted, itll be around 9am saturday morning in korea. a few days ago, i fixed in 2 hours, working blindly and only using google and my laptops own file search function, something which some people have been asking to be fixed for nearly 8 months. i didnt know what i was looking for, or where to find it, im a linux newbie and only a hobbyist, but i managed to do it. What the UR team of professionals, and iQ, either couldnt or wouldnt do in 8 months, i learned how to do in 2 hours, using google

who runs the show? do TM tell the team what they want and its delivered, or do the team tell TM what theyll get, and they have to deal with it? the 'team' are making TM look like tw@ts, which makes people who want to make working software also look like tw@ts as the 'teams' software is sh!te

i KNOW this is being read by those who need to read it, just like i KNOW that itll also make the sh!t hit the fan in more places than just DW, how much can get done in 12 hours?

lets wait and see

im off to find some rizlas.......
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how long have I been asking for aspect ratio to be fixed lol every receiver I have owned aspect ratio worked, basic feature should work out of the box

there is no way there will be a near finished image before end of summer :(
ill stop there as my head is ranting but my fingers are refusing to post ;)
Now it's time for Dr Linux to come onto this board and publicly apologise for this major mess Tm find themselves in . WE all new it wouldnt happen but more lies and missed deadlines and still no finished image . Without the likes of digi and jimux etc imagine how far more behined we would be , it's an abosoulute joke and the UR TEAM (cough cough ) sorry iq team should hang their heads in shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lads is this really it are they going to let people down again, I cant believe it, can they not even come on here and say look we have some preblems they are xyz and then take some advice from members who know about these things. WTF
To be fair I did post the other day that it wouldent be finished by timer end
Rat wouldent mind it not been finished if there was a even a big realease with some good fixes at least you could see progress, but the iq images to date are nothing more that what was released before except for digi and other peoples addons to make them work better. I was very hopfull but not anymore it is just crap.
I know that mate :)

Overall I'm pretty happy with the box and how it preforms, but I can understand when I read how some look at the code and have told Tm whats wrong and how to fix it how frustrated they must get :(

there are still basic features dont dont work or have been switched off in this code that should work as part of basic pli

Digi I know what you are refering to about recent fixes ;) its when I asked for zapping,HDD stanby and channel zapping
these were all fixed in the code the very next day :) will these be fixed in the next iQ release ? I think not lol
Grrrr! I was watching a downloaded copy of mock the week last night. I paused it 20 mins in to answer the phone and afterwards pressed Play to continue instead of Pause button........... green screen, reboot and had to watch same 20 mins again just to get to where I was upto because can't ffwd or use bookmarks........... even the stuff they have added can be just as infuriating as the things missing!!!:Angryfire
Its just sad that after 12 months that technomate still cant fix the box and it cant even do everything that's printed on the box
That drives me mad I dont use the media player any more as I said before I stick the drive into my lg player underneath the box and I have full funtions of everthing.
I Think that TM has build a reputation for MISSING All THE DEADLINES so all we have to do is to relay on people on this forum that are wiling to improve the image for the box.

Thanks to every one on this forum for all the support.
Well Officially Ended lol
:( shame really, but expected


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looks good I won't bother though as i'm looking for a replacement box.
The latest debacle where I follow instructions to the letter and 0.8w doesn't work sealed the boxes fate for me.
digi has posted a fix but I have had enough, just got to get some pennys together.
I will be following you ellie, what are you going for.
Im not 100% decided yet what Im doing but I know if ellie buys a 800 dream good things will come with UK images :Hit:
as far as Im aware it will be for DW members only
coz we shout the loudest lol
dm800 but waiting to see what the dm800se is like.
I have compiled a dm800 and dm800se image (pli) over the last few days.
Need to get a box so can test but as I say waiting to find out what the 800se is like.
I would defo take them up if they offered a refund but that wont happen now.

Not even on Technomate website yet, DD really does have crystal balls

Now if it was " if you are not happy with your TM800HD then return for full refund" then i bet there would now be a lot of takers.