iPhone Iphone 4s - Not blocked, have passcode BUT not the apple ID password ???


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VIP Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Hi All

I bought an iphone 4s of a 'mate' in bits and only recently repaired it will with new screen/lcd, vibro motor, ribbon, home button.

He assured me it was not stolen and gave me the imei and 4 digit passcode.

I have just powered it up and all works fine ExCEPT when i goto wipe/reset the phone it asks for the apple ID......

I have tried contacting him and he states he does not know it as he had it of a friend.

Have i been ripped off here ? I thought if the imei was ok and he has the passcode then all is good.

I have full access to all the phones functions.

iOS 7 implemented the new security features. It's assigned to the iTunes account it's listed to. if you wipe it/reset it you WON'T be able to activate it without that login. You can only get the owner of that iTunes account to release it.

it's designed to try stop the sale of nicked devices, implemented by Apple. It's as good as a IMEI network block. There's no way around it.
yip no way round this it needs the password linked to the itunes account
also its better than imei lock as its world wide
lots a nicked phones go to other places in the world and still work
But does that not mean you have to pass on your iTunes details when you sell or once activated you can delete account from phone?

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
you can turn the find my phone feature off before restore and all is well
if you dont and its restored via itunes this lock kicks in
does DFU mode not work?

to do what?

it still asks for the iTunes account once you come to activate it after restoring it - it's part of the activation process to make sure the correct owner has it.
so DFU mode to restore. when restored. create new itunes account on the phone? to hand shake with server??

I dont actually know myself cos ive never done it, just throwing ideas out there
no cant create new account needs to be the original one and dfu mode wont help
no way round unless you know the details
ID AND password post-clocker, as said half a dozen times. Even when u take a device back to Apple to swap for a refurb (as I have this week) they ask you to make sure it's removed from the iCloud account it's associated with.
I'm peed off noe, been emailing and have facebooked the previous owner and getting no reply of them !!!
I thought if you could turn find my phone off then u can restore it in iTunes ? as far as i know dfu mode wont be needed even if it was i don't think dfu mode can bypass it.
I turned it off and put my icloud details in and wiped/reset the phone.

Booted it back up and its still asking for previous owners details, can not even get it to load now.
Don't know if it will work mate but u could try connecting it up and clicking restore. it will download the new firmware if its not already on it and install it for you.
nothing will by pass this you need the last owners details . email and password