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I have thought there are certain sections or groups of ppl who tend to stick or favour one an other, however things like that are likely to happen with any large group of ppl.

ppl are likely to form friendships and dislikes and this is evident almost on a daily basis.

Like this for example, no one seems to mention to the op to put this in the news section

yet here, a member is very quick to suggest the thread is in the wrong section and notice the post count :p.

you get it on all forums and is part of the coarse, so i guess ppl need to suck up and get in with the in crowd lol.
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It's a conspiracy I tells ya.

I was just helping out a new member yesterday (I had previously helped him with his PDF query).

I had not seen Witchys post, as I tend not to read them as he is more boring than 12 dvd documentary on shoe polishing in the 1950's.

But your point remains, I am more likely to bring the hammer down on someone I don't like, as opposed to someone I do. I also give the newbies a bit of a ribbing (similar to what I had myself. That's life.

The thing is that in the main this place is the shiznit.
Feel free to join in m80 :)

The only reason I have a high post count is due the s hite that I post and the length of time I have been here (2001) :)

Your avitar says a lot to back the young lad's claims up. Do you want me to beat him up for you boss?

I'm in the same boat though. If someone asked something about web design or graphics/photoshop, and now even something in the Health & Fitness section, then it's alright, but, I can't read the latest cable streams because at the end of the day, my brain just isn't wired that way!!

Sometimes I feel like I wish I could offer more. The boards have members from all walks of life and age groups and as long as you are a nice person (and in some cases not, lol) and not the sort to constantly ask for stuff and only visit when you need something, then no one is bothered.

There will always be people who get a God complex if they are in a position of power no matter how insignifigant that position is, but that happens everywhere, not only on messageboards. I just tend to feel a little sorry for people like this, all bullies are cowards and lacking in various departments, but people aren't born like that, so just walk on by if it ever does happen.

Just relax mate, lol...
lol i was not singling anyone out mozr or having a dig at anyone and apologize if you thought so, just highlighting an example that i seen recently.

I have seen loads and if i was to spend my valuable time dredging the search on here i would regurgitate loads more lol.

the other one i noticed before also is if 2 threads of the same content are posted, one by lets say a less well known member and one of the in-crowd per say.

The thread started first by the newer member was posted well before the other but the more well known member's thread gets the replies.

it also stikes me funny tat in this thread the majority of the ones who dont seem to see an issue are the ones with loads of posts lol

personally i dont look at post count and even consider it. But there does seem they way of the forum to big up posters when they reach milestones. Now before anyone points out, i will do it first lol. i know we need posts for the forum to stay alive and interesting but some people do think their post count is they measure of value to the forum lol

some as you know to well have an itchy post reply trigger finger and the majority of their 10k+ posts are just pure bile.

Every one who is new to this forum is going to feel isolated and not able to join in at the start. I was introduced by MN2005 who is hardly ever on here now. Took me ages to get involved and along the way I have had a few spats and a few laughs. Some times it takes time esp when guys like me have very little technical knowledge and find it harder to help others out, when there is better people at hand to do so.

So you just need to keep posting away and in no time you will feel more part of the forum.
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lol i was not singling anyone out mozr or having a dig at anyone and apologize if you thought so, just highlighting an example that i seen recently.

I have seen loads and if i was to spend my valuable time dredging the search on here i would regurgitate loads more lol.

the other one i noticed before also is if 2 threads of the same content are posted, one by lets say a less well known member and one of the in-crowd per say.

The thread started first by the newer member was posted well before the other but the more well known member's thread gets the replies.

it also stikes me funny tat in this thread the majority of the ones who dont seem to see an issue are the ones with loads of posts lol

personally i dont look at post count and even consider it. But there does seem they way of the forum to big up posters when they reach milestones. Now before anyone points out, i will do it first lol. i know we need posts for the forum to stay alive and interesting but some people do think their post count is they measure of value to the forum lol

some as you know to well have an itchy post reply trigger finger and the majority of their 10k+ posts are just pure bile.


Good points there.

I think there is also a bit of a pack mentality on forums in general.....the high posters/mods/admins etc tend to get cut a lot of slack with their behaviour/comments whereas the newer guys get hounded for some comments.
I remember when i started a thread about certain DW guru's a while back when i was new.some of thier answers seemed to be a little bit elitest and some of the sarcastic remarks to the newbies was awful.but now i'm a little bit wiser(lol) i can see where alot of them may have been coming from.but if you contribute when you can that's all that matters.i myself read alot of the threads and posts, and boy they make me laugh,and perhaps it does look at first glance that there is a group or groups that tend to bounce off each other all the while.but don't forget they've been on the site alot longer than most and their friendships have matured over the years.some have been here that long they used to use morse code to talk to each other lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nerner:
you really cant argue with that can you lol

Actualy yeah you can because the person who mentions it to witchy has a lower post count than him so it works both ways imo ;)
Aye? And I introduced him this site when the both of of us worked together behind the 3 heids :)

He repaid the favour by showing me how to get rid of the dreaded Kein System (on works time of course) LoL

ahah :) Thats how I got to know him too, Well the Mrs worked with him. She is still there right enough just a different department from him now.

helped me out many a time, Wealth of knowledge and a very nice guy.
the high posters/mods/admins etc tend to get cut a lot of slack with their behaviour/comments whereas the newer guys get hounded for some comments.

There is a large element of truth in this one.
I think what is intimidating is that there are more Scots on here than a 'Whisky, Haggis, Caber Tossing, shortbread, nonsensical rambling and social deprivation festival.'
lmao you crack me up sometimes Mozr :)
I think what is intimidating is that there are more Scots on here than a 'Whisky, Haggis, Caber Tossing, shortbread, nonsensical rambling and social deprivation festival.'

Remember Bannockburn....Freeeeeeeeeeedom
Aye? And I introduced him this site when the both of of us worked together behind the 3 heids :)

He repaid the favour by showing me how to get rid of the dreaded Kein System (on works time of course) LoL

do you still work there? mrs wanting to know. pm me if you want
do you still work there? mrs wanting to know. pm me if you want

Nah m8, I left the RSS team in there a few years ago, and was taken on by Dell when they opened up in Glasgow.

A lot of the people I worked beside are still there, another couple have left to go to Dell, a female friend has went back to her homeland of Florida, and I'm now working in a telecomms company with a couple of guys who previously worked with the GCC.

Cryptic enough for ya? :)

Cryptic enough for ya? !
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