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There is some definate issues regarding established vs newbies though. Its plain to see but its how you react to it that decides your fate.

Take offence and cause trouble,not gonna last long. Go with the flow and join in the banter,member for ever.

I've had problems in the short time I've been here. Don't go off on one and don't get offended.

It will come right in the end.
i think i wil give my 2 pence piece in this debate seems im a noob to this web site.
so i guess you wil be hearing from me bit more now:proud:
and hopefully i wil get to know you lot abit more.
Everyone on here is an indivdual, with their own opinions ( which they are rightly entitled to!!!).
It would be a boring world if we all agreed on everything!!!!!!!!
Some people in life have Larger personallities than others and at times it shows on here.
I would class myself as one of those (newbie or not).
Life in general is a rich tapestry made up of different people, from diffrent backgrounds, religions and differing political opinions.
Its how you intreact with people that counts and sometimes you can learn alot about yourself and from how others see you.
Life is about learning from other peoples experience as this can only be a good thing.
Its your choice as a an individual as to how you deal with that, wether you choose to ignore advice from others or try a diffrent approach to a problem that you could not see youreslf.
You never know we all might learn something new and in turn pass that experience on to others.
Lesson in life no.2 over!!!!!
have a good day at work peeps.
I agree it may seem a bit clicky on here to new members, some of us have been here a lot of years (nearly 8 years for me :)) and have even met some members off of the forum in the real world lol

But we all know the importance of new members, without you the forum would die a slow death, I've seen a lot of members come and go, some good some not so but in general this is the most friendly forum of it's kind out there, take time to join in the banter, we don't bite although we might have a little growl now and then lol

Have fun, join in and don't take things to seriously :)
i could point you to a site where they cant even spell friendly, even between the staff, some of the admins have been demoted, mods banned, over not agreeing with a decision of the board owner. over the last 4 years ive seen that site get worse and worse, members are now banned for asking a simple question, that gets asked on just about every satellite site in existence

i rejoined after another ban there, posted a simple reply to a question from another member, as my first post, then had a private message from a moderator stating my message had been removed as i wasnt in a position to give out information, 2 mins later an exact copy of my message was posted by that moderator, another min later and my account there was banned

ive been here since summer 1999, i found the site by accident, as where i live theres no cable services, there was no on digital service, we still dont have freeview, but as a newbie, i liked the atmosphere

and 10 years later, they still cant get rid of me :proud:
Got to agree with Bronto (cos hes a mod). No really its not a cliquey thing its just that some of have been about since methusila was a lad and kinda get to know each other.
Newbies are a big part of this forum, but the op is not really a newbie so he should know us better than that to feel intimidated esp as he is a good bluenose lol
Stew1954? Are you that guy that was pissing in the urinal next to me?

Your penis was really small.

Come on, life is a game of rugby, toughen up and wear a cup FFS.

I really believe ... believe that I am truely accepted and will honestly participate and freely respond when and where i can do my upmost to sincerely and actively... promote my post

Are you Barack Obama?
Stew1954? Are you that guy that was pissing in the urinal next to me?

Your penis was really small.

Come on, life is a game of rugby, toughen up and wear a cup FFS.

Are you Barack Obama?

At least I stand up to do a piss:banana:
What you were doing in the disabled toilets in the first place is another issue.

PC section always needs more peeps at both ends of the scale...

If anyone sees me start an reply with 'a quick google...'; I'm merely waiving any responsibility as to the content of my answer :silly:
Hi guys new to this bit lost with most of what you guys do or how you do fair play sharing much apprec
i could point you to a site where they cant even spell friendly, even between the staff, some of the admins have been demoted, mods banned, over not agreeing with a decision of the board owner. over the last 4 years ive seen that site get worse and worse, members are now banned for asking a simple question, that gets asked on just about every satellite site in existence

i rejoined after another ban there, posted a simple reply to a question from another member, as my first post, then had a private message from a moderator stating my message had been removed as i wasnt in a position to give out information, 2 mins later an exact copy of my message was posted by that moderator, another min later and my account there was banned

ive been here since summer 1999, i found the site by accident, as where i live theres no cable services, there was no on digital service, we still dont have freeview, but as a newbie, i liked the atmosphere

and 10 years later, they still cant get rid of me :proud:
Same sort of thing happened to me on another well known cable based forum ( Shut down now BTW )
I posted a reply to another guys post
Then a mod moved the original post to a room where you were not allowed to post replies and i got a ban ????
sometime after i had been reinstated , there was a thread on here about this other forum , so i posted what happened to me on there and guess what ? I got another ban off the original forum
Never went back after that
You just can't beat this place when it comes to being lenient towards it's members.
That's why it's the biggest site of it's type on the web
Thought id post my opinion....

I was shown this site by my real life friend SARGIE. Never been on a forum before. Never really wanted to. But he told me I could learn a lot from here.

I thought id just end up reading a few bits. I never realised how addictive it would get.

I joined quite a while ago, but never really posted owt. Now i find myself logging on at 3 am just to see whats going on. lol.

Everyone has been really helpful and friendly.

I'll be here for a long time and hope to get to know you all a lot better.

Cheers guys!!
Thought id post my opinion....

I was shown this site by my real life friend SARGIE. Never been on a forum before. Never really wanted to. But he told me I could learn a lot from here.

I thought id just end up reading a few bits. I never realised how addictive it would get.

I joined quite a while ago, but never really posted owt. Now i find myself logging on at 3 am just to see whats going on. lol.

Everyone has been really helpful and friendly.

I'll be here for a long time and hope to get to know you all a lot better.

Cheers guys!!

Same her Karloz, its very addictive, ive also found myself logged in at stupid o'clock when i can't sleep.
I have even sat debating stuff with the missus about DW or she constantly asks me how the kiddies are doing that are ill and stuff.
Also found some cracking one liners to use at work as the banter on DW is feckin brilliant sometimes.
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