Installing new alarm


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VIP Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Ok so installing a new home alarm done walk test and all sensors working but theres some sort of fault which causes "tamper lockout"?

Can anyone help?

The alarm panel I have is Accenta Gen4 Alarm Panel with Honeywell ActiveGuard External Sounder.

The keypad shows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T P
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 0

As soon as system is powered up alarm goes off, then I enter usercode alarm turns off but if you try do anything it just goes to tamper lockout.

I can get into engineers mode and set various things but still locked out... I have followed the manual for first time install exactly but dont understand what the T on the keypad is for.

THe bell box also is making a weird noise like a ticking type noise :s did alarm test alarm bell works correctly, strobe works, sounder works.

I got a feeling something is wired wrong at the alarm panel.
Seems like there is a fault in the wiring or make sure the alarm box and pir am all closed properly ! If you fitted yaself disable one and work from that just my thoughts
Its not flagging up error on the zones its the T P bit im not sure about I think I have to loop something. there a -TR terminal on the panel if there is, loop it to ov and try again not seen this panel before, there is so much out there
Have a go at linking the tamper ccts, So the out of box ones are not active, same with from bell box, link the tamper ccts, you will the know they are not having an effect, you say all walk test ok, so that part of wiring seem ok, just try on tamper cct
If that fails, I am sure you know where all the wires go, so put links in all, you do not have to take all the wires out, unless, it supposed to be an open loop
If that fails, could be faulty box, go back to very basic, disconnect every thing, except power, does that work, add a cct, does that work, etc etc.
T is indicating a tamper fault - A silly question but you do have the control panel lid on??
After that try linking out the TAMP terminals in the control panel, Start with the Global tamper on the bottom of the PCB and then the keypad tamper terminals on the left hand side.
The only tamper left then is the bell box tamper - Terminals T & A to link that out.
By resetting the alarm at each stage we can identify which is the faulty tamper loop and start from there
Panel - AG6
T...... R
A..... V-
ST-..... ST
D..... V+
B..... SW
Above is the panel to External sounder connections
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