[INFO] New Neutrino Movieplayer to TEST


Inactive User
Aug 11, 2005
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Is this the end off "Buffering" ...?

GMO18 over at the Tuxbox Board might have found a error that preventet the Movieplayer to ever work with more than 128KB of Buffer (instead of 1MB!!)

To test his latest Beta:

New Movieplayer for all you streamers out there...


Please download from this link and do the following:

Install via FTP into /tmp

- Change Rights(chmod 755)

- Logon via Telent onto the DBox

- Kill bootscript( killall start_neutrino )

- Kill neutrino( killall neutrino )

- start the downloaded neutrino withinin /tmp

- test with playing a Movie !
3 is the latest....

New feature in it is whilst playing a movie press Dbox Key and you see the buffer on screen ;-)

IDE Interface is getting better and better over at the tuxbox board and they are now optimizing the drivers so you will soon be able to purchase one after the initial testing...
Nr 4 & 5 are out to test
im trying to install the new beta movie player that pt-1 was kind enough to post but im having problems as its the first time ive used telent could somebody help me out with a dummies walkthrough on what to do please
thanks in advance
austin said:
im trying to install the new beta movie player that pt-1 was kind enough to post but im having problems as its the first time ive used telent could somebody help me out with a dummies walkthrough on what to do please
thanks in advance

might of been a good idea to pm pt-1 first m8 instead of the post as pt-1 uploaded it

ok having a bit of trouble with this coild you please give me a step by step guide on how to install this please
thanks in advance
ok thanks its just i dont understand really what to do with the telent and then how to install it
austin said:
im trying to install the new beta movie player that pt-1 was kind enough to post but im having problems as its the first time ive used telent could somebody help me out with a dummies walkthrough on what to do please
thanks in advance

i have moved your post to here as i think someone will answer you in here

######### WONT THEY LOL ########

ok thanks this is doing my brain in!!!
if i had one lol
My helpfile should even explain this...

Click within Windows on
Type CMD and hit enter
Type Telnet and the ip of your Dbox
(telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) and hit enter

Please make sure that you downloaded the neutrino from above link. Latest test version is 6 !

When Downloading the fil do not save it as TXT !!!
it will only let me download it as a txt file
help! lol
Rename it into neutrino without the txt ending or just FTP over to Dbox and the rename without txt.

Make sure the Filerights (Properties) of neutrino are set to 755 or 777
right ok now done that but when i telent "killall start_neutrino" it says no process killed is that right?
"killall start_neutrino" it says no processes killed
then i type "killall neutrino" it shutdowns the box
then when i restart the box and go into file manager( i guess this is where u meant to start the neutrino) to start the neutrino its not there
so any ideas what im doing wrong?
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ok update im using the new sportser pro image i tried doing the update without the telnet bit and it seems to have worked could it be an image thing?
You are not updating it !
You have to place into /tmp and you might need to try killall -9 start_neutrino
just tried killall -9 start_neutrino and still says no processes killed
man this weird and must be doing your head in as well