I dont Pray but will tonight.

Just read the awful news i am so sorry for you and your family aftermath, may they both rest in peace Amen.
I'm really sorry to hear such tragic news. My thoughts are with your family.
I have just read this thread , what terrible news ,
please except my condolences for you , and your family ..
My deepest sympathies to your Family.
My wife and i went through similiar (though not as bad) 2 years ago. You are all in my thoughts
i'm lost of words mate,Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss,
R.I.P little angels
I got the dreaded phone call this morning people.
2 a.m. my brother phoned me and said they removed all callums wires and let him die with dignity.
Thanks everyone for your support.
Life sucks at times but must go on.
I have to got to my nieces flat to remove all the babys things as she cant face it right now.

:( omg, r.i.p callum n jordan!

thats so sad to hear, at least theyre ina better place and will never have to grow up to experience the harhnesses of life.

God always has a greater plan which we always fail to see, so my advice is to just be patient for u and the parents

am truly sorry for the loss :(

I've been away for a few days so I hadn't seen this latest news about Callum.

My condolences to you and your family Aftermath.
Just an update everyone

Callum and Jordan will be buried on Friday at Saltwell Cemetry in Gateshead, In the childrens gardens.
My family are starting to come to terms with this, and are coping very well, which is great news to me.
we have been requested not to wear black and white clothing, so we have to respect my Niece`s decision.
they are gonna play the song called Butterflies , by Mariah Carey, so if around that time you hear this song please give a little thought for Jordan and Callum.
Many Thanks everyone from me and my family.

Edit... The funeral has been changed to Monday, they couldnt Arrange it for Friday
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how the hell did i miss your post m8 am really sorry

me and the kids are thinking of you and yours at this very sad time m8
told m8 eldest she was in tears bless her
i'm sorry to hear the lost of little callum m8, there in a better place now and one day you all be reunited with both of them, you have to stay strong m8.

R.I.P Callum & Jordan

Sorry to hear this tragic news mate, Life just isn't fare sometimes , my condolences to you and your family Aftermath. R.I.P little ones.