Phone Unlocking I am offering N95 unlock solution


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Hopefully by next week I will be offering DW members N95 unlock solution. Will probably be charging £20 + £5 for postage back Next Day Special Delivery.

You will be required to post just the phone to me (atleast recorded delivery) and I will post the phone back next day unlocked. I would say please make sure all your contents is backed up as I will not be held responsible for any loss of data.

I will post more once I am ready to accept orders. Payment can be made cash sent with phone or paypal + 4% to cover fees.

Why not do it for free and only charge for the postage and perhaps a few quid for a pint or 2?
Because the equipment needed actually cost a lot more than free lol, if there was free solution then of course I would of offered a free service but there isnt one unfortunately.
So you are trying tr recuperate the cost of the unlocker by selling an unlocking service on here?

It's not really in the spirit of the forum is it?, buy something to unlock your own phone then offset the cost by selling the 'service' to fellow members.

BTW, I don't own a N95 so I'm not trying to get a freebie :)
Because the equipment needed actually cost a lot more than free lol, if there was free solution then of course I would of offered a free service but there isnt one unfortunately.

The forum isnt a shop. sell your service on ebay and offer members a free service. also #20 is more than some shops charge for the n95
So you are trying tr recuperate the cost of the unlocker by selling an unlocking service on here?

It's not really in the spirit of the forum is it?, buy something to unlock your own phone then offset the cost by selling the 'service' to fellow members.

BTW, I don't own a N95 so I'm not trying to get a freebie :)

BTW I do not own one either, im simply offering a service to those who wish to use it. Also the spirit of the forum isnt to get myself in debt also. :Doc:
The forum isnt a shop. sell your service on ebay and offer members a free service. also #20 is more than some shops charge for the n95

Yes I do know the forum isnt a shop iv been here long enough to know that. Its a service im offering as a trusted member of the forum and for those who wish to use it. If you have no intention of using it then stop your wining and enjoy the rest of the forum :banana:
Try giving the supplying network provider a call and give them your IMEI number I've heard they charge £20 to generate an unlock code
Bally is doing no different to people offering to chip/flash consoles for members
I personaly think it should of been checked with admin first

but I dont think in any way he is ripping members off
but I dont think in any way he is ripping members off
I don't think for one minute he is trying to rip people off either m8, I'm just saying for £20 you can get an unlock code from Vodaphone, Orange etc (whoever is your provider) and get it unlocked that way, then you don't have to send the phone away and save on postage ;)
I don't think for one minute he is trying to rip people off either m8, I'm just saying for £20 you can get an unlock code from Vodaphone, Orange etc (whoever is your provider) and get it unlocked that way, then you don't have to send the phone away and save on postage ;)

but saying that you will end up paying the postage in calls to the cusrtomer centre..

i agree in saying hes offering a service.. and knowing him once his costs have been recouperated he will no doubt drop his prices as hes a decent bloke from what ive seen on here
Without meaning to pi$$ on anyones fire, if the service is just for N95 then He's bought a hammer clip or similar (either way it's based on Dejan's Xilinx idea). These cost £40 - £50. It won't take long to re-coup his costs at that kind of money. If it were for all BB5 then the harware purchased (as mine did) costs around £1200, a little more effort is needed there.
If a mod wants it then I've an old hammer clip is spare (ish) the board can buy it for £20 and monies raised can go to the board. Whoever buys it will need or at least could do with a JAF box or similar as they only unlock one revision of firmware (11).
Three wires is all that is needed and the testpoints are easily made with needles.
but saying that you will end up paying the postage in calls to the cusrtomer centre..
agreed m8 but saying that the phone doesn't leave you and no chance of being lost in transit ;)

i agree in saying hes offering a service.. and knowing him once his costs have been recouperated he will no doubt drop his prices as hes a decent bloke from what ive seen on here
Yes he is a top member I have nothing against Bally at all .. I'm just giving people an alternative thats all
Hey just read some of the responses and here is what I have to say... The price listed is just an estimate as of yet as I havent even got what I need to unlock a n95.

Im not trying to fleece any one nor am I trying to profit from providing a service to DW Members. All I am doing is covering the cost of what it has cost me which is just under £60 + my time which is very valuable as I do have a demending full time job as well as other responsibilities.

I just thought, well instead of sending your phone to someone of on ebay etc you can send to me a trusted member on the site.

@English I very much doubt that method £1.29 method would work lol for the N95 but feel free to try it.

Like I have already said its just a service I thought I would offer, if you dont like it, feel im charging too much not a problem go else where and get your phone unlocked :)
agreed m8 but saying that the phone doesn't leave you and no chance of being lost in transit ;)

Yes he is a top member I have nothing against Bally at all .. I'm just giving people an alternative thats all

Yes apprantly you can register a pay as you go sim and they send you the code but not sure if that works for everyone on every network. Again like I said you are not being force to use my services lol.
Bally is doing no different to people offering to chip/flash consoles for members

but I dont think in any way he is ripping members off

Thats what i was going to say, many people on here offering console chipping, so mobile unlocking is ok, maybe once he gets his equipment cost maybe cheaper that £20

The thing on ebay is bollocks. Notice it says it works 80% of the time... all the suckers just assume they are in the 20%.

I think it's a good idea. I didn't realise a solution was available yet. How much are you thinking of spending on this piece of kit? I got an unlock code from Orange for 20 quid. There are a lot of people who buy locked phones on ebay who might be interested though.

Bally is simply offering the service as he thinks it is something people might benefit from. I'd rather give my money to a member on here than to a scally at the market. I don't think he deserves a hard time for it.

Edit: I must have left this thread open when I went out as loads of threads have appeared above my reply. Apologies for any duplication.
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Personally if I had an N95 and needed it unlocked, I would rather used a respected elite member of this forum than any Tom Dick or Harry from ebay that I have no idea about. O.K I dont know Bally either but the forum does and that would be good enough for me.

As he has said before, if you dont want the service, don't use it.
just to point out - unlocking a phone from a network is very cheap these days.

This year, ofcom has forced all networks to offer a reasonably priced unlock code. A friend of mine did this for her Nokia 6110 on vodafone recently and it cost her £15, another friend did it for the Nokia E65 on 3 - again £15.

I happen to think thats fairly reasonable given the phone is worth a few hundred. Plus, there is no warranty issue as the network has done it for you.

on the ofcom site you can find this page which gives you an idea on how this was handled 5 years ago: