Phone Unlocking I am offering N95 unlock solution

but if u got the fone from ebay or ur second user then they will charge u a killer or wont unlock it at all

try ringing 3g and say u got the fone of a friend they wont give u the code

and ive asked fellow mods .etc for some advice and if they accept then i will let u guys know
thats not the case any more, many forums - even nokia's official one mention that second hand phones are being unlocked for reasonable prices now.

I think it is an attempt by ofcom to give more choice and freedom back to the consumer.

One thing they have done wrong is not tell everyone about it, so people are still paying loads of money to backstreet shops in order to get phones unlocked.
ok would u say £10 is reasonable than paying the network £20?
de branding a nokia phone is free thanks to the online software updater and nss :)

paying a tenner is obvioulsy better than 20 - however I would actually pay the 20 for the peace of mind that I havent voided the warranty at all in the phone. But then again - thats just me :)
fones warrenty??

i havnt heard of companies like argos .etc repairing fones if they break!?

and they dont have any security seals so how do they find out its been opened?

they only honour the warrenty if its a manufacturing fault in the hardware which is very rare

they dont replace ur fone if there is a bug in the software


i was talking about all fones not just nokia

some fones u cant debrand for free

or unlock for free like bb5 .etc
well, if your phone was faulty and you wanted a warranty repair - you wouldnt go to the retailer anyway would you?

Thats a repair under garauntee which is different.

A warranty is between you and the manufacturer. To unlock the phone without a code you will need to use hardware and nokia phones are incredibly good at recording what happens to the hardware and firmware. For instance, if you debrand your phone and it develops a fault you will have a hard time getting it fixed by nokia. The engineer will hook it up to his jig and see its not right - bang goes your warranty.

Same if you unlock it via a harware clip or box - the phone records what has happened. So, you need a repair - no luck, the engineer will tell you that the phone has recorded a hardware unlock that has not been authorised by nokia.

All, just so you know - there are only two places in the UK that do not belong to networks that have the ability to unlock phones and they are the two main nokia service hubs (one is infact a european hub), so finding out that a hardware unlock is not authorised is very simple.

Now, I am not trying to tell you all not to do it. Just trying to let you all know the implications about what this means.

Also, generating an unlock code is very difficult. The best you can hope for is an unlock application similar to the one doing the rounds for the N80. Of course, that program is illegal - as it means the firmware of either the phone, or nokia's official unlock apparatus has been reverse engineered (illegal in the UK). I have no idea if owning that software or using it is also illegal.

So, I dont have any problem giving a network £15 to unlock my phone :)
ur saying the fone records whats been done to it.?

come on

ive been doing fones for ages and recently did a partnership with a friend to open another

i am 90% sure that someone who has been in the unlocking trade can tell u that the fone dont log stuff

and even if it did u can just flash it .etc

and unlocking / debranding and flashing is perfectly legal in the uk

only imei changing is illigal
s60 phones log info about what has been done. Flashing doesnt remove the logs.

unlocking and debranding is totally legal in the UK - I didnt say otherwise.

I mentioned that the software used to soft-unlock phones may be illegal as it means code will have been reverse engineered - something that is illegal in the UK. I have no idea if you or me owning or using it is illegal (as we didnt reverse engineer it).

The reason I know this? Two years working with Nokia.
s60 fones do log (i think)

but they dont log unlocking

have u read up on how the bb5 unlocking works?

it exploits big security holes nokia left

and those wont be recorded

and if u do a full flash rebuild then those logs will be erased

reason i know this :>> because if u use tools like jaf box .etc and do a full flash then everything gets over written except sp lock status which is stored sepreate.

and ive tried and done it

and ur saying u worked for 2yrs in nokia which dept?

and all i can say me and people who have been unlocking fones for 4 - 5+yrs we know what were talking about becasue some of the things we do people working in nokia (engineers) wouldnt do like injecting code interupts and modifying code in the phone while its running via ram and testpoints
At nokia I spent most of my time with tech support, but moved on to other stuff prior to me leaving.

I used to sit near the advance complaints people who dealt with cases like "I had my phone debranded and now the engineer will not honour the warranty".

For the record, the jaf box is more or less identical to the box Nokia uses with pheonix. The only difference is that there are two jigs for it.

I dont understand what you mean with a full flash rebuild - there are two ways to flash a nokia phone. One way is to wipe the phone of its contents and flash the firmware back on (annoys people) the other is to wait ages while it backs everything up, flashes it then puts the user data back onto the phone.

The SP lock status is totally seperate, all of the flashing kits nokia give to its service points can read it and thats it. Only the hubs have the equipment with which to alter this. You can buy it yourself from europe - but is pricey. This is why BB5 was so impregnable untill recently.

Also, I dont understand what you mean by "injecting code interrupts and modifying code in the phone while its running via ram and test points". When the phone is hooked up to a jig via its testpoints it doesnt run its firmware - it communicates directly with the PC its attached to.