Sensible Topic How will you vote in the EU referendum ?

EU Referendum - will you vote In or Out ?

  • Stay In

    Votes: 22 14.8%
  • Get Out

    Votes: 115 77.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 12 8.1%

  • Total voters
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New conlab, great. I thought we had decided on the EU? unless it's fixed.
I read it. The referendum really shook up politics, I think they thought they had it in bag, maybe :) probably not Europe might start to listen to it's people.

I'm not bothered about the labour/torrie thing I find British politics really sad at the moment.
The Blairites Labour MP's can go where the light don't shine
Silverdale said:

"No court in the land can rule against a vote or you turn it from a democracy to a dictatorship were those above can do or please whenever it suits."

We do not have a written constitution restricting what parliament can do, so I think you will find that the constitutional position is that parliament is supreme and can do whatever it likes, including reversing any law passed by itself or any previous parliament. I do not think that the courts have the power to, or would want to, interfere with that long-established principle.

We live in a representative democracy where we elect parliament to take decisions for us and they are not obliged to follow public opinion: for instance, the death penalty was abolished when there certainly was not a majority of the electorate in favour of doing so.

So, to be clear: while it may be immoral for parliament to ignore the referendum result, it would be legally entitled to do so.
That's all been well but remember this, once you over rule the majority of people who legally voted out and you set a precedent for all other votes and the likes of the high courts/supreme la di da's of the land will have to bare it in mind every time the public are asked to cast a vote.

Otherwise the ballot box will be come redundant, law wrangles after every voting event will pop up and democracy will turn into dictatorship were MP's and the likes do as they please no matter what the public vote, just simply disagree and go to court.

We base our society on democracy, once this fails all hell will break loose. I'm sorry to break the news to all those who hope and prey that we'll scrap the union jack for the blue and starred flag ?, sorry but it ain't going to happen.

Swallow the pill of defeat and crack on it;s called a democratic state
That's all been well but remember this, once you over rule the majority of people who legally voted out and you set a precedent for all other votes and the likes of the high courts/supreme la di da's of the land will have to bare it in mind every time the public are asked to cast a vote.

Otherwise the ballot box will be come redundant, law wrangles after every voting event will pop up and democracy will turn into dictatorship were MP's and the likes do as they please no matter what the public vote, just simply disagree and go to court.

We base our society on democracy, once this fails all hell will break loose. I'm sorry to break the news to all those who hope and prey that we'll scrap the union jack for the blue and starred flag ?, sorry but it ain't going to happen.

Swallow the pill of defeat and crack on it;s called a democratic state

Have a look at this:

Britain's unwritten constitution - The British Library

As this article makes clear, the courts have no power to overrule an Act of Parliament, or declare it unconstitutional. Another important aspect of the supremacy of parliament is that it cannot pass any law which limits what it can do in future, therefore any clause in the Referendum Act which tried to make the result legally binding on parliament would not have been valid.

I am not advocating that the referendum result should be ignored, I am merely pointing out that, if parliament chose to do that, there would be nothing anyone could do about it until the next general election, when the people have the chance to elect a different government.
And so is the Magna Carta,
If you think that some ancient law drummed up 100's of years ago would stand up against the majority of the UK voters in 2016 then witch dunking should be brought back so in theory it's not that far off the mark
Have a look at this:

Britain's unwritten constitution - The British Library

As this article makes clear, the courts have no power to overrule an Act of Parliament, or declare it unconstitutional. Another important aspect of the supremacy of parliament is that it cannot pass any law which limits what it can do in future, therefore any clause in the Referendum Act which tried to make the result legally binding on parliament would not have been valid.

I am not advocating that the referendum result should be ignored, I am merely pointing out that, if parliament chose to do that, there would be nothing anyone could do about it until the next general election, when the people have the chance to elect a different government.

This pointless drivel is getting really boring now. The referendum vote will stand and we will leave the EU. Whether or not it could be overruled is a pointless debate as only a politically suicidal moron would attempt to do so. Or perhaps the idiots who embarrassingly petition for another referendum.
This thread is for "How will you vote in the EU referendum ?", we voted, its' done and dusted. Perhaps the thread should be closed and replaced by a "Sore Losers" thread. It could offer a glimmer of hope for those who wish to be eternally ruled by Brussels and be a home for members who enjoy reading pish.
Theresa May it is now the fun begins as she is a remain
She only got the job as she was flashing her new cleavage look to the world and especially George Osborne.


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Theresa May it is now the fun begins as she is a remain

That's what i don't understand..

Mr cameron resigns as his views are incopatable with the brexit result.
Mrs May gets the hot seat despite her pro-euro views.

also she called for a General Election when Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair but she has no plans to hold one now?

I doubt i will ever understand politics... :eh?:
More than 1,000 lawyers have signed a letter addressed to Prime Minister saying the EU referendum result is merely “advisory” and not legally binding. Here it is in full:


9 July 2016

Dear Prime Minister and Members of Parliament

Re: Brexit

We are all individual members of the Bars of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We are writing to propose a way forward which reconciles the legal, constitutional and political issues which arise following the Brexit referendum.

The result of the referendum must be acknowledged. Our legal opinion is that the referendum is advisory.

The European Referendum Act does not make it legally binding. We believe that in order to trigger Article 50, there must first be primary legislation. It is of the utmost importance that the legislative process is informed by an objective understanding as to the benefits, costs and risks of triggering Article 50.

The reasons for this include the following: There is evidence that the referendum result was influenced by misrepresentations of fact and promises that could not be delivered.

Since the result was only narrowly in favour of Brexit, it cannot be discounted that the misrepresentations and promises were a decisive or contributory factor in the result.

The parliamentary vote must not be similarly affected. The referendum did not set a threshold necessary to leave the EU, commonly adopted in polls of national importance, e.g. 60% of those voting or 40% of the electorate.

This is presumably because the result was only advisory. The outcome of the exit process will affect a generation of people who were not old enough to vote in the referendum.

The positions of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar require special consideration, since their populations did not vote to leave the EU.

The referendum did not concern the negotiating position of the UK following the triggering of Article 50, nor the possibility that no agreement could be reached within the stipulated two year period for negotiation, nor the emerging reality that the Article 50 negotiations will concern only the manner of exit from the EU and not future economic relationships.

All of these matters need to be fully explored and understood prior to the Parliamentary vote. The Parliamentary vote should take place with a greater understanding as to the economic consequences of Brexit, as businesses and investors in the UK start to react to the outcome of the referendum.

For all of these reasons, it is proposed that the Government establishes, as a matter of urgency, a Royal Commission or an equivalent independent body to receive evidence and report, within a short, fixed timescale, on the benefits, costs and risks of triggering Article 50 to the UK as a whole, and to all of its constituent populations.

The Parliamentary vote should not take place until the Commission has reported. In view of the extremely serious constitutional, economic and legal importance of the vote either way, we believe that there should be a free vote in Parliament.

Yours sincerely


And 1053 others
More than 1,000 lawyers have signed a letter addressed to Prime Minister saying the EU referendum result is merely “advisory” and not legally binding. Here it is in full:

I sincerely hope these idiots don't go back on there word. Once out stay out no second chances. Shall I start the petition now or later Mr drob?.
they can shove that where the sun dont shine never mentioned that crap before the public voted for change so just because didnt get what they wanted they throw it in now they can do one lol total waste of millions of votes & time if they want to try that crap
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