Sensible Topic How will you vote in the EU referendum ?

EU Referendum - will you vote In or Out ?

  • Stay In

    Votes: 22 14.8%
  • Get Out

    Votes: 115 77.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 12 8.1%

  • Total voters
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It's like the Hokey Cokey.
My stance has always been that we will stay in the EU. The outcome of the referendum was a surprise and shock to many and hit the markets quite hard, however. The pound has rallied and if you analyse the ftse 100 & 500 some days they are up some days down and some days they fall of a cliff, but the consistent factor is that they always pick themselves back up climb the hill again.



There's a lot of bullshit being thrown around by the media these recent weeks (well lots more than usual) but the facts and figures are there for everyone to read and it's not bad reading at all. By October we may just have enough data to say Yeaxit.
Some interesting reading here


Brexit loophole? MPs must still vote in order for Britain to leave the EU, say top lawyers

'MPs will have to do their duty to vote according to conscience and vote for what's best for Britain'

Parliament must still vote on a bill to allow the UK to leave the European Union, leading lawyers have said.
Geoffrey Robertson QC, who founded the Doughty Street Chambers, said the act which set up the referendum said "nothing" about its impact, meaning it was "purely advisory".

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Four ways that the UK could avoid a Brexit





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Why would anyone want to stop a democratic vote by the people? Sounds a bit like dictatorship or communism. Thats the EU all over tho and the reason we voted to leave.

How many referendums would you like before its settelled? 2,3,4?

Thank yourself lucky we are free and wont have to join the new EU army. Madness
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I don’t like what I’m reading on the news and it’s certainly nothing to be proud of
Last week's referendum wiped a record $3 trillion off the value of global shares and sterling fell to its lowest level in 31 years against the U.S. dollar.
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The UK was stripped of its top credit grade by S&P Global Ratings, and Fitch Ratings also lowered its rank, the latest crushing verdicts on the country’s decision to leave the European Union that has left it in political and economic paralysis.

S&P reduced the grade by two steps to AA from AAA, citing the risk of a less predictable, stable, and effective policy framework in the UK. Fitch cut its credit rank by one step, to an equivalent level. Both have negative outlooks, Bloomberg reported.
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Brexit: Wave of hate crime and racial abuse reported following EU referendum
Purported responses to Brexit include signs saying 'Leave the EU, no more Polish vermin' being posted through letter boxes

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It will all settle down soon enough.
Leaving is not up for debate it is the majority of the peoples wish and it will happen.
This is why we have a democracy.
You can't keep voting untill you grind people down to get your own way, you have to admit defeat graciously other wise we have the bully boy tactics.
As for the markets, we're in what I would call the silly season, the markets are regularly volatile at this time.

”Sell in May and go away..." etc.

Quite surprising they have'nt been more volatile to be honest but both FTSE and £ were due a correction.

We can all pile back in come October!
What I'm struggling to get my head round is, we voted to leave , yes , that's all fine. The new PM whoever it may be will have to through in the motion article 50. Then then there's the matters of 1 of the very main reasons "why" the vast majority voted to Leave, immigration. Were does it say the new PM come tories have to do anything about it ?, it doesn't, the vote is to leave the EU period.

Basically they can go back to the table with the EU and knock out a deal say were we can still trade freely within the EU much the same as now but we have to let in roughly 500,000 the same figure as now legal/non-legal.freedom of movement ends but just as many people still arrive they just don't have a UK passport something along those lines. Passports are checked , your still let in but that's about it. The borders up but useless.

I can see something like this happening and the Leave voters will have been duped into thinking immigration will be put back to the original figures banded around 15,000 if we leave the EU.

It's OK Farage telling us all "Give us our borders back" which I agree with but him saying and the Government doing are 2 totally different things especially when the likes of Farage have no power what so ever.

And I shudder to think what this lieing wa*ker will do if put in charge , shudder, nothing will change.;-
Sajid Javid MP: Javid denies campaign 'dishonesty' - BBC News

Someone who voted Leave HAS to be the next PM or 17.4 million , the majority voted. If Scotland had it's independence before the referendum then a bigger percentage leave would have won.
I have never liked the idea of referendums, because we have no constitutional rules on when one should be held, so it is entirely in the power of the governing party to decide. There seem to be only two reasons why referendums are ever called and neither is really to find out what the people think:

1. To settle disputes in the ruling party, as with this year's EU referendum and the previous one in 1975.

2. To silence nationalist calls for independence, as with all of the Scottish and Welsh referendums.

As governments have the sole power to call referendums, they only ever do so if they expect to win. This is the only time that the people have voted against the government's wishes.

I also object to the politicians who see referendums as a one-way street to achieve what they want; the SNP, for instance, would keep demanding referendums on independence until they get a result in favour, then never hold another one. What kind of democracy is that?

When we choose a government at a general election, we do not vote them in forever: we can vote them out at the next general election. It is a basic principle of democracy that the electorate has the chance to change any decision made. That principle does not apply when referendums can be called only at the whim of the government.
Sajid Javid has also mentioned that the majority of London voted to stay in the EU and the PM should look again at their wishes regarding London staying in the UK because London is the capital of the UK's financial sector.

So basically , London stay's in the EU while England and Wales leave. People like him are a danger to our country and remarks like that should not be tolerated. The likes of him are the reason why the divide between North and South is widening by the hour. A state within a state is not democracy, he should be sacked. Alot can be read into first impressions and one look on his official webpage is enough to see he is a lair and one smug barsteward.
Looks like Sturgeon is p!ssing in the wind while in the UK and Alyn Smith's bigtime charlie William Wallace "WEE WANTA A CONTREY OFVA OOOON " means jack sh!t
Brexit: Spain and France oppose Scotland EU talks - BBC News


At least she is making an effort for her parties electorate unlike others I need not mention. It will be futile I know but she wont give up without trying ;)

And for the avoidance of doubt I don't want the UK to split or be part of the EU without the rest of the uk. I wanted to remain but I'm happy to support the majority of the democratic process. Your post is immature and a shit impression of the Scottish dialect tbh ;)
At least she is making an effort for her parties electorate unlike others I need not mention. It will be futile I know but she wont give up without trying ;)

And for the avoidance of doubt I don't want the UK to split or be part of the EU without the rest of the uk. I wanted to remain but I'm happy to support the majority of the democratic process. Your post is immature and a shit impression of the Scottish dialect tbh ;)

Is that what it was, I thought it was Swahili....:Laugh:
If Scotland prefer the EU to the UK that's fine with me. In the next few years 5 possibly 6 (Turkey fast tracked) countries will be allowed into the EU.
These 5 countries economies aren't going to add anything to the EU bar wanting handouts and when the UK leave the EU will be 10 billion worse off.

As for all these councils spouting off "Can you promise us that when we leave the EU we will receive the same amount uas under the EU ?". The grants you receive from the EU is part of the 170 million we receive "back" from the 350 million the EU take from the UK so when we leave do you honestly think Scotland will receive all the grants when there's less to go round more countries ??.

Our national budget is not 350 million, that's part of our budget , the part we give then receive half back. If you're lucky you might even get a bit more now we won't be paying to other countries debts off.

I would like the UK to remain to you want the truth. We are a nation with the same basic values in life. Why someone would want to break the UK God only knows. The 1 woman crusade
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If Scotland prefer the EU to the UK that's fine with me. In the next few years 5 possibly 6 (Turkey fast tracked) countries will be allowed into the EU.
These 5 countries economies aren't going to add anything to the EU bar wanting handouts and when the UK leave the EU will be 10 billion worse off.

As for all these councils spouting off "Can you promise us that when we leave the EU we will receive the same amount uas under the EU ?". The grants you receive from the EU is part of the 170 million we receive "back" from the 350 million the EU take from the UK so when we leave do you honestly think Scotland will receive all the grants when there's less to go round more countries ??.

Our national budget is not 350 million, that's part of our budget , the part we give then receive half back. If you're lucky you might even get a bit more now we won't be paying to other countries debts off.

I would like the UK to remain to you want the truth. We are a nation with the same basic values in life. Why someone would want to break the UK God only knows. The 1 woman crusade

I agree with a fair bit of what you say , I don't think Scotland would benefit from lone membership of the EU. Better sticking within the uk and pulling together to make what we have work. Looking at things though I think big concessions will need to made if we want decent trade deals from the EU so what a lot of people wanted by voting out may not be achieved even if we are out. That's a con but I'm sure the nation can work together in opening up other former restricted opertunities and get some pros.
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