How old were you the first time you were drunk?

Was around 13 and was having a BBQ in the back garden, me and my brother 11 took 12 cans from the back garden and drank about 6 of them and my brother had 1, about half hour later, he went running into the back garden in his pyjamas and started dancing and singing, was the funniest thing I had seen for ages, but the 1st time I was completely bladdered was leaving school and I went and spent around £200 in the corner shop on everybodys booze cause I looked the oldest ( 6ft and 16 stone lol ) went onto the local field and I mixed every single drink in a 2 litre bottle of lambrini and necked it, within half hour I was falling all over the place and nearly jumped in the canal, did mix it with spliff and coke though lol
12 drinking canadian mist and coke with my uncle and his friends who were all 18-21 around campfire in the middle of winter haha nothin better than some whiskey while its below zero outside! :)
I was 13 and it was a 2ltr bottle of white cider which is fooking rocket fuel. i cant remember after about 9 o'clock lol. I lost my phon, tried running out in front of a bus, sang robbie williams 'rock dj' to a bush pmsl, the list goes on.:proud:
i musta been about 13 and was on vodka as most start on that, drank it straight and now i cant touch the stuff. the burning sensation as it went down and laid on your stomach was great then, but now, its fookin awfull. then i started on stella at around 15 and still on them now
i was in first year at high school and it was a regular weekend thing by 2nd year of high school usually merrydown,buckfast or md2020 oh they were the days
Aged 14 I drank 3 cans of SuperT. When the hangover wore off a few days later I wowed that I would never become a tramp.
About 14 at school disco, drinking a few tins of Tubor Gold and a 1/4 bottle of Bells whiskey......boaked me ring but at least I wasn't the only one that night, seemed like sort of an inititaion cermony...see who could boak the most.

Would I do it again....hell yeah.
14 at a house party with all my family my mum let me have a can of beer and i just helped my self after that but told my mum it was the same can and i was just taking it slow lol.

I was laid out in the road with some grilys talking shite about how amazing my life was gonna be and how rich i would become rofl. Later on i ate a slug for a dare which really impressed the girls...not.

Was awesome though like whichy was the first time i felt super confident and had not one problem in the world i didnt want it to end :)