HELP! Changing from USB to Ethernet


DW Member ++
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score

I need help/advice. Im currently using my Internet using a USB cable from the Modem, but I want to use a Router I need to change from USB to Ethernet cable, and Advice on how to do it. Im on NTL.
You will need to buy yourself a router 1st as you know.

You will need to know your authentication type and protocol.

Most routers come DHCP ready so they give you an ip address automatically you will then access the router and input your details via the setup wizard.

NTL should tell you the config options you need:)

plus anyone you uses cable, I am on std line not cable so it may be different

in regards to the protocols and authentication
Mairyhinge said:
You will need to buy yourself a router 1st as you know.

You will need to know your authentication type and protocol.

Most routers come DHCP ready so they give you an ip address automatically you will then access the router and input your details via the setup wizard.

NTL should tell you the config options you need:)

plus anyone you uses cable, I am on std line not cable so it may be different

in regards to the protocols and authentication
Thanks, but back to the question, how do i change usb to ethernet?
nizzex said:
Thanks, but back to the question, how do i change usb to ethernet?

if you modem supports an ethernet connect shut down pc shut down modem
swop cables reboot modem first the PC and it should work.
go to your run box type in enter...then ipconfig/all....this will show you the connections to your network threw your pc...
Guys ive sorted it. Just had to enable auto LAN setts and Auto IP stuff. Thanks anyway..