Health group angered by 99p pint


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Jan 27, 2006
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A pub chain is cutting the price of a pint to 99p to cheer cash-strapped drinkers - but the move has sparked criticism from an alcohol charity.

JD Wetherspoon, which operates 713 pubs across the UK, is offering "indefinite" reductions on some beer, bottled lager, wine and spirits, plus £2.99 meals.

Health campaigners fear other pub chains could follow.

Alcohol Concern says pricing drinks at 1989 levels could cause more people to drink too much and end up in hospital.

Nicolay Sorensen, from the charity, said prices across the industry were already 65% lower in real terms than in 1980.

"The number of alcohol-related hospital admissions is continuing to rise at an astonishing rate," he said, adding that treating drink-related illnesses costs the NHS £2.7bn per year.

He said that by selling beer at 99p per pint, pubs were not acting responsibly.

"The drinks industry isn't able to regulate itself responsibly and it's for the government to take action."

But Mark Hastings, of the British Beer and Pub Association, said the 99p pint only applied to one brand of beer - Greene King IPA - in one chain of bars.

Customers could stay at home and drink beer from supermarkets much more cheaply, whereas pubs offered a more responsible environment, he said.

"We are trying to stay in business, keep jobs in our sector and compete in a very competitive market," said Mr Hastings.

He said that with pubs closing at a rate of five per day, the sector had already lost 44,000 jobs.

Wetherspoon's chief executive John Hutson said the company was helping people in the face of the economic downturn.

"We believe that our new food and drink prices will allow people to enjoy a visit to a Wetherspoon pub without it costing them too much," he said.

We have a pub in the west country doing this every monday at a pound a pint and a pound for a meal.
Very good if you dont work on a Tuesday lol.
Cheaper beer and longer opening hours, surely it can't be a good thing for a country with a binge drink problem with its youth?
Cheaper beer and longer opening hours, surely it can't be a good thing for a country with a binge drink problem with its youth?

If binge drinking is drinking until you get very drunk, it seems that we are already drinking so much that lowering the price can't get you to drink less ;)

However, tackling the problem of binge drinking needs to be done by changing people's attitudes, not pricing them out.
just coz its 99p i wont drink more, i can only do about 9 pints regardless of cost
Sorry got to do the 'none of your business' on this one.

The government can **** off. I am sick of being told how to live my life by these whiny, liberal, interfering, shits!

Here's the deal. I pay my council tax, income tax, and national insurance. In return you spend far too much tax payer's money on mindless research and reporting into the state of the nation excusing more money spent of 'health awareness campaigns' where you imply that elongating your life is the true moral thing to do (often using your kids as emotional blackmail). Don't drink, smoke, take drugs (unless sanctioned by the state), or eat nice food. Just get up, go to your shitty job, and pay your taxes.

To reiterate, **** you. I am an adult, and do not need anybody who perceives to know better than me, telling me how to live my life. I don't hurt anyone, I just go about my day, how I want, Ok?

If a private company wants to sell me a pint of beer for 99p what the hell has it got to do with you? Just because some turd of a man from some 'alcohol is bad' lobby group pressurizes you into trying to modify behaviour, why not try to think for yourself, eh?

Also, regarding the illogical point about alcohol, smoking, and obesity 'costing' the NHS money. We have an ageing population in this country, forever being told that the state pension is rapidly becoming obsolete. So how do the Government try to fix this? By trying to make people live longer! The sheer ridiculousness astounds me. Surely they should be giving tax breaks on booze, fags, and burgers to kill off a portion of the population in their fifties?

Fucking Government cocks.

It's Monday morning. :(
I just figured out that it is cheaper for my family to eat/drink/$hit at Weatherspoons than cook at home with the new pricing plans.

I'm off to find a room above the pub. I've never seen Christmas in Jan before.
Sorry got to do the 'none of your business' on this one.

The government can **** off. I am sick of being told how to live my life by these whiny, liberal, interfering, shits!

Here's the deal. I pay my council tax, income tax, and national insurance. In return you spend far too much tax payer's money on mindless research and reporting into the state of the nation excusing more money spent of 'health awareness campaigns' where you imply that elongating your life is the true moral thing to do (often using your kids as emotional blackmail). Don't drink, smoke, take drugs (unless sanctioned by the state), or eat nice food. Just get up, go to your shitty job, and pay your taxes.

To reiterate, **** you. I am an adult, and do not need anybody who perceives to know better than me, telling me how to live my life. I don't hurt anyone, I just go about my day, how I want, Ok?

If a private company wants to sell me a pint of beer for 99p what the hell has it got to do with you? Just because some turd of a man from some 'alcohol is bad' lobby group pressurizes you into trying to modify behaviour, why not try to think for yourself, eh?

Also, regarding the illogical point about alcohol, smoking, and obesity 'costing' the NHS money. We have an ageing population in this country, forever being told that the state pension is rapidly becoming obsolete. So how do the Government try to fix this? By trying to make people live longer! The sheer ridiculousness astounds me. Surely they should be giving tax breaks on booze, fags, and burgers to kill off a portion of the population in their fifties?

Fucking Government cocks.

It's Monday morning. :(
But the government isnt mentioned there, it just seems to be from various charities? Or is that just a generalised rant ? :)

If someone wants to sell me a pint for 99p, fine. But I bet its pure pish to drink!
If someone wants to sell me a pint for 99p, fine. But I bet its pure pish to drink!

It is the reason JDW can sell it so cheap is because they buy the beer thats almost out of date (OK for Keg beer) but not so good for the cask they sell. The brewerys want it off their hands ASAP (as no normal pub wants it) so they sell it to JDW. Who dont care about the quality, they want people in the pub who will then buy food and bottle beers.
Sorry got to do the 'none of your business' on this one.

The government can **** off. I am sick of being told how to live my life by these whiny, liberal, interfering, shits!

Here's the deal. I pay my council tax, income tax, and national insurance. In return you spend far too much tax payer's money on mindless research and reporting into the state of the nation excusing more money spent of 'health awareness campaigns' where you imply that elongating your life is the true moral thing to do (often using your kids as emotional blackmail). Don't drink, smoke, take drugs (unless sanctioned by the state), or eat nice food. Just get up, go to your shitty job, and pay your taxes.

To reiterate, **** you. I am an adult, and do not need anybody who perceives to know better than me, telling me how to live my life. I don't hurt anyone, I just go about my day, how I want, Ok?

If a private company wants to sell me a pint of beer for 99p what the hell has it got to do with you? Just because some turd of a man from some 'alcohol is bad' lobby group pressurizes you into trying to modify behaviour, why not try to think for yourself, eh?

Also, regarding the illogical point about alcohol, smoking, and obesity 'costing' the NHS money. We have an ageing population in this country, forever being told that the state pension is rapidly becoming obsolete. So how do the Government try to fix this? By trying to make people live longer! The sheer ridiculousness astounds me. Surely they should be giving tax breaks on booze, fags, and burgers to kill off a portion of the population in their fifties?

Fucking Government cocks.

It's Monday morning. :(

amen to that my friend!
It is the reason JDW can sell it so cheap is because they buy the beer thats almost out of date (OK for Keg beer) but not so good for the cask they sell. The brewerys want it off their hands ASAP (as no normal pub wants it) so they sell it to JDW. Who dont care about the quality, they want people in the pub who will then buy food and bottle beers.
I think I have been in one of these brand pubs possibly twice in my life. Couldnt stand the place.

Thankfully, Edinburgh has so many pubs these onese are not so common.
Yeah, its normally the shittly little towns that have them. That have no decent pubs, a bit like my town
It is the reason JDW can sell it so cheap is because they buy the beer thats almost out of date (OK for Keg beer) but not so good for the cask they sell. The brewerys want it off their hands ASAP (as no normal pub wants it) so they sell it to JDW. Who dont care about the quality, they want people in the pub who will then buy food and bottle beers.

Rubbish mate, do you realise how much beer wetherspoons purchase. There is not that amount of out of date beer available lol. Breweries jsut scrap the beer and claim the duty back.
Rubbish mate, do you realise how much beer wetherspoons purchase. There is not that amount of out of date beer available lol. Breweries jsut scrap the beer and claim the duty back.

Ii think you find your wrong on this one m80!

Do you relise how much beer enterprise inn's purchase??
But the government isnt mentioned there, it just seems to be from various charities? Or is that just a generalised rant ? :)

General rant, but feeds into these anti-alcohol lobby groups (at least with the tobacco lobby for instance you know at least know they are have are bastards, these shit for brains pretend they are doing a public good by fucking with my shit) who have the ear of the government, who then in turn spend my tax money on stupid adverts where people's drinks mysteriously leave CGI numbers, indicating how many units we drink, and supposedly make us feel bad. (Although that advert shows well to do middle class people enjoying drinks with friends, thus actually glamorising the very behaviour it was supposed to be ridiculing - the incompetent cocks!)

If Tesco want to sell me Stella at 33p a bottle if I buy in bulk, that is our business, not the shitting government (who have a large proportion of fat fucks in parliament, legislating how the proles should live, when they themselves are gorging themselves on my tax money).

If someone wants to sell me a pint for 99p, fine. But I bet its pure pish to drink!

Agreed. I don't like Whetherspoons myself. But that's not the point. Diamond White is cheap, and it tastes like shit, but what business is it of Government?

If they really want to stop people killing themselves through alcohol abuse, why don't we stop considering alcoholics as people who are entitled to incapacity benefit, thus allowing them a life where the state pays for their habit without the nasty 'why don't you get a job' irritation every two weeks?

Wow, I'm ranting today.
General rant, but feeds into these anti-alcohol lobby groups (at least with the tobacco lobby for instance you know at least know they are have are bastards, these shit for brains pretend they are doing a public good by fucking with my shit) who have the ear of the government, who then in turn spend my tax money on stupid adverts where people's drinks mysteriously leave CGI numbers, indicating how many units we drink, and supposedly make us feel bad. (Although that advert shows well to do middle class people enjoying drinks with friends, thus actually glamorising the very behaviour it was supposed to be ridiculing - the incompetent cocks!)

If Tesco want to sell me Stella at 33p a bottle if I buy in bulk, that is our business, not the shitting government (who have a large proportion of fat fucks in parliament, legislating how the proles should live, when they themselves are gorging themselves on my tax money).

Agreed. I don't like Whetherspoons myself. But that's not the point. Diamond White is cheap, and it tastes like shit, but what business is it of Government?

If they really want to stop people killing themselves through alcohol abuse, why don't we stop considering alcoholics as people who are entitled to incapacity benefit, thus allowing them a life where the state pays for their habit without the nasty 'why don't you get a job' irritation every two weeks?

Wow, I'm ranting today.
Lol, your on fire!

I also have no problems with Tesco selling me cheap booze either. Oh yes, actually I do. I found out before christmas that they subsidise the price of alcohol to keep it artificially low. They just bump up the price of non-essential things instead, like food.

One thing I would be interested to see is this - all the cheap booze out there now in the pubs, like Diamond White for example, will that go even lower?

I hope the NHS has a stock of spare livers, I have almost worn out the one I have now and I dont think I can afford a black market one.
FWIW i quite like a san miguel(think thats one of the drinks at 99p), but I dont do JDW lol not real pubs at all. I prefer a pub to be just that, sell beer crisps, nuts and pork scratchings......Not wanting to be surrounded by people tucking into 3 course meals and the like. same goes for a resteraunt I want to eat in peace, dont want to be interupted by a group out on a drinking session. Maybe its just me but i like to keep the 2 seperate. :Smokin:
From the few times I have been in one they have been full of families too.

Now, I am not saying families shouldnt spend time together - far from it - I just dont know if spending it in a pub is top priority.

Afterall, I just want to sit down and enjoy my beer without having to watch my mouth or worry about tripping over a pushchair.
From the few times I have been in one they have been full of families too.

Now, I am not saying families shouldnt spend time together - far from it - I just dont know if spending it in a pub is top priority.

Afterall, I just want to sit down and enjoy my beer without having to watch my mouth or worry about tripping over a pushchair.

well if you dont go into these pubs you dont need to worry about that do you?

i go to wetherspoons sometimes if me and the wife have been shopping in town with my youngest 2. The family area is seperate with plenty of space to not trip over pushchairs.

By allowing familys in it gives us access to a cheap meal and drink which is much better than going into macdonalds and spending £14.

Taking a child into a pub full of piss heads smoking is not somthing i would do and there are plenty of non family pubs in my area too.
Afterall, I just want to sit down and enjoy my beer without having to watch my mouth or worry about tripping over a pushchair.

Surly watching your mouth is just public politeness? And should be the same whether there are kids or no kids?

With regards to push chairs I see where you are coming from but again most of the larger pubs have family area's