Go to university for FREE

i personally feel the whole system sucks.
i feel the working class are worse off than the rest!!!

we pay for everyone else!

i was in uni. dropped out because i really couldnt afford it. my parents just earned over the thresh hold. and i was only able to work weekends....

i had to pay fees of £1200+ my self......
pay to get back and forth
a car to run and maintain
food + clothes

it was stuppid. when others were there. all paid for with grants not loans that they dont need to pay back....

living the life :( i am working for a bit now..... may go back next year if i clear my debt!
Just to clear some things up if you are Scottish and attend a Scottish UNI you will get you fees paid for you however will have to pay back one years tuition fees when you get a job. Usually a small percentage of salary taken out each month. (Also included is one false start).
Have not heard of having to pay back 1 years tuition fee. Is that not the graduation fee that has been scrapped.
My daughter has just done 4 years at uni and she wont have to pay back anything exept her student loan.
Have not heard of having to pay back 1 years tuition fee. Is that not the graduation fee that has been scrapped.
My daughter has just done 4 years at uni and she wont have to pay back anything exept her student loan.

No this 100% the case as its stated in the student fee application booklet you fill in that goes to the SAAS.

If she has just graduated when she gets a job it will automatically be taken out each month from her salary.

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No m8 thats been scrapped by Alex Sammond This year students no longer have to pay this.

My gf just graduated and is paying it back now. Is this for Students just starting now or has it been scrapped completely for everyone?

Is it not his plan to scrap it rather than it already being scrapped?
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My gf just graduated and is paying it back now. Is this for Students just starting now or has it been scrapped completely for everyone?

People who graduated this year afaik will not need to pay it m8 as it fall due next april and will be abolished by then. Do a google on it m8
I am not sure if this is the correct place to share this wee gem of information, possibly it would be more appropriate in the bargain basement or free offers pages.

If you would like your kids to be able to attend University for FREE then all you have to do is claim asylum; thats right taxpayers' it has just been announced that children of asylum seekers' who have lived in the country for more than 3 years can now attend Uni at the taxpayers expense.

Unfortunately if you have worked all your life and paid your stamp you will just have to fund your childs university place yourself.

This country is going to the dogs, no I mean this country is going to asylum seekers, drug addicts, long term unemployed, unmarried mothers... etc.

i would re-phrase that and say it's going to the government
If you guys think this is bad, for those that have to pay for everything themselves in 2010 and beyond tuition fees will be £10000 a year.

I'm born english and from a working class background with a household below the threshhold. I still have a massive amount of expense even with all the loans grants and bursary

Essentially I have to pay £3070 tuition fees each year which a loan covers. I also have to pay £4800 a year rent (which fortunately is all inclusive, water, electricity, food etc...)

I receive

* £3070 Tuition fee loan
* £2765 Grant
* £3280 Maintenance loan
possibly *£1025 yearly Bursary

This leaves me after expenses such as accomodation rent and tuition fees:
Either : £1245
or with the bursary : £2270

I will also have course material fee's such as books, pens etc... which I assume will cost approximately £40 per book and I'll need perhaps 10 books? lets say 10 which is probably more than I need thats £1245 - £400

I will have £850 for leisure for an entire year.

This means when I graduate I will have approximately
£19050 of debt to pay off, at an interest rate of 2% APR (£381 per year approximately)

This amount will increase the longer I can't pay off the fees.

I am moving to the U.S.A when I graduate to get a job in computing there as the pay is better, also I can earn up to $40000 before I need to start paying off my loans back in Britain, and as money goes further in america due to less tax etc... it's a much better option.

By giving asylum seekers free Higher education they are depriving genuine brits like me a decent living. Therefore people like myself emigrate to foreign countries.

The figures i've posted here are typical for most Undergrads who's family earn under the threshhold
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I work with asylum seekers, they get picked up by either a taxi or a minibus in the morning, attend their classes while their kids are placed in a creche and then after class they are all returned home.

If a "normal" student cannot afford transport to uni or cannot afford a creche - tuff titty you need to leave your course.

During the summer break one particular asylum seeker told me that she would not be attending classes for two weeks as she was going on holiday with her family to Norway!!!

Claim asylum but still be able to holiday in Norway... how does that work???
why ........................

i am not trying to cause a argument but please explain your thoughts more

It's quite simple really......

Imagine the worldwide birth rate is a lottery, being born in a western nation is kinda like winning the jackpot. Im quite happy for money taken from me in tax to go towards people who have never had the oppertunities I get on a daily basis, simply for being a British citizen. Be grateful we do not live in....

North Korea
A vast gulag where citizens are forced to worship their 'Great Leader,' who lets them die like flies
As if an endless civil war and psychotic regime were not enough, a punishing drought is starving millions
Sierra Leone
Africa's most brutal war has taken life and limb, literally, from thousands of children
Ethnic and religious enmities have so riven the country that it hardly qualifies as a nation at all
A quarter century of civil war - and the rich, feeding off oil profits, are still getting richer
The poorest of the former Soviet republics is torn between a two-bit dictator and disgruntled warlords
Dem. Rep. of Congo
Plagued by every ill of our times: greed, ethnic tension, civil war, foreign aggression, AIDS, poverty
Smuggling is the biggest foreign-exchange earner, and criminal gangs hold more sway than the state
Misrule and international donor fatigue continue to make a potential Caribbean paradise a hell on earth
It's quite simple really......

Imagine the worldwide birth rate is a lottery, being born in a western nation is kinda like winning the jackpot. Im quite happy for money taken from me in tax to go towards people who have never had the oppertunities I get on a daily basis, simply for being a British citizen. Be grateful we do not live in....

North Korea
A vast gulag where citizens are forced to worship their 'Great Leader,' who lets them die like flies
As if an endless civil war and psychotic regime were not enough, a punishing drought is starving millions
Sierra Leone
Africa's most brutal war has taken life and limb, literally, from thousands of children
Ethnic and religious enmities have so riven the country that it hardly qualifies as a nation at all
A quarter century of civil war - and the rich, feeding off oil profits, are still getting richer
The poorest of the former Soviet republics is torn between a two-bit dictator and disgruntled warlords
Dem. Rep. of Congo
Plagued by every ill of our times: greed, ethnic tension, civil war, foreign aggression, AIDS, poverty
Smuggling is the biggest foreign-exchange earner, and criminal gangs hold more sway than the state
Misrule and international donor fatigue continue to make a potential Caribbean paradise a hell on earth

so does that mean any 1 who actually does win the lotto should give it all to people who never won??

and what about the wars and times this country has been through to give us this lottery win?

they wanna learn to stand and be counted instead of running off for freebies,like our forefathers have for us.

never heard so much CRAP in all my life its people like you why this country is in the state its in. carry on youll have us on our knees ttttttttttttttttttttttttt..
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I wrote a reply, but then I decided I don't want to have this argument with you.
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British people should have free education even university, people from outside the UK should pay up front the full amount, and if they dont like it ,,,go get an education in your own country

End of
look when asylem seekers are given higher priority on council housing than uk residents what chance do you think they wont have higher priority for other things????

its all your own fault for voting in this 'new' labour goverment witrh its open door policy for all imergrants.......... i wouldent mind if even half the claims for asslyum were real but as from exeriance we all know that most are here with false stories who have travelled through/bypassed europe who i might add have there own facilltys for assylum seekers. and then when they get here leave and then come in another port to claim 2 sets of benifits under different names....... then when here play the racist card to anyone who dares question there reasons for being here.......

its things like this that WILL without a doubt cause ill feeling and eventually bring this great nation to civil unrest
look when asylem seekers are given higher priority on council housing than uk residents what chance do you think they wont have higher priority for other things????

its all your own fault for voting in this 'new' labour goverment witrh its open door policy for all imergrants.......... i wouldent mind if even half the claims for asslyum were real but as from exeriance we all know that most are here with false stories who have travelled through/bypassed europe who i might add have there own facilltys for assylum seekers. and then when they get here leave and then come in another port to claim 2 sets of benifits under different names....... then when here play the racist card to anyone who dares question there reasons for being here.......

its things like this that WILL without a doubt cause ill feeling and eventually bring this great nation to civil unrest

I imagine you can back all this up with evidence??

Also, this has all gone rather off topic, and is pointless, considering the false premise of the original post.
I imagine you can back all this up with evidence??

what evidance do i need??? we read it everyday in the papers, there is more than enough evidance to point out that that there alot of bogus asylum claims

read this and see the problem for yourself. imigration brings absolutly nothing to our country. except a higher cost for the rest of the uk population... its not just collage fees but alot of other things like all these imergrants are intitled to a pension scheme payed for by guess who US!!!!!!!!!

Set the scenario:

You are a poor person from a third world country without any chance of education or a luxury lifestyle. you here of a country in europe that you can get to for next to nothing, stay there for nothing, get free food, free money, free top quality eduction for you and your kids, the government will treat you better than they treat their own.
what would you do? stay in your own country or go to the country in question?

you dont even need to be a poor person from a poor country. if someone sees a better chance somewhere they will go for it.

What im trying to say is that it is our fault and nobody elses. when our government give everything we have to people who havent worked for it, what do we do?? sit on our backside moaning. we moan about the people they are giving it to.
why not moan at the government, make a change, change the government, go on strike, etc. i dont have the answers but i know that the way its going at the moment is not the right way.
but the thing is most are not poor or from poor countrys or countrys with conflicts!!!!!! how do they managed to pay to get across all of europe and end up here,, bypassing france, germany or spain????????

England is now nearly twice as crowded as Germany, four times France and twelve times the US.