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"The Scottish Executive was set to confirm the policy today which will see youngsters offered free places regardless of immigration status"

Regardless of immigration status -

1. There should not be anyone in the UK claiming asylum for more than 1 year.
2. Asylum seekers do not CONTRIBUTE - tax payers support them completely.
3. FREE PLACES are not free, someone has to pay for this and its tax payers.

The Government is not supplying free anything to asylum seekers, engage brain and
absorb the fact that British workers are footing the bill for all of this, its NOT free.
I am proud to be a citizen of a country that offers asylum to the oppressed.
I am proud to be a citizen of a country that offers asylum to the oppressed.

I would like to see some documentary evidence of the above.
O and thats not a joke Hamba
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I am proud to be a citizen of a country that offers asylum to the oppressed.

OPPRESSED ha ha ha ha dont make me laugh FFS........ have you got any evidance that they are oppressed???? or is it more likly they come here for free handouts????

the only oprressed people in this country is the average working class white man!!!!!! altho it never used to be like that...... anyway it would take an immergrant to come up with a statment like yours hamba... were you at one time an assylum seeker???
I would like to see some documentary evidence of the above.
O and thats not a joke Hamba

OPPRESSED ha ha ha ha dont make me laugh FFS........ have you got any evidance that they are oppressed???? or is it more likly they come here for free handouts????

the only oprressed people in this country is the average working class white man!!!!!! altho it never used to be like that...... anyway it would take an immergrant to come up with a statment like yours hamba... were you at one time an assylum seeker???

At no point has Hamba said that there weren't false claims of asylum.

With any sort welfare state there will be those who abuse it (including by people born in this country who've never worked a day on their life).

As far as I know, asylum seekers are not allowed to work. At least not until they are granted asylum, at which point they are given an NI number. What would you rather they in the mean time? Squat in your garden? Go round mugging people? Sell drugs to your kids? Burglerise the local estate?

Thats not to say that there aren't some people who do cause a problem. But appearing to paint all immigrants with the same brush lends itself to people to calling you racist, or at the very least narrow-minded (irrespective of any personal experiences you may have had). Its almost like deciding that 'BWM actually stands for bad motorist warning'/'Pug drivers are all boy racers'/'taxi drivers think they own the road' etc, you forget to notice the good drivers of whatever vehicle you've a dislike for. (Admittedly the problem partly stems from the media using the word 'immigrant' as a synonym for a false asylum seeker, or from dropping the 'illegal' from the start. Seemingly forgetting that there are legal immigrants as well as people who really do suffer persecution in their home country).

At the end of the day I'd rather have a flawed system and free speech (irrespective of your point of view). Than no system and see my fellow man suffer, whether they are white british or not.

Anyway that was my, admittedly liberal, tuppence worth.
OPPRESSED ha ha ha ha dont make me laugh FFS........ have you got any evidance that they are oppressed???? or is it more likly they come here for free handouts????

the only oprressed people in this country is the average working class white man!!!!!! altho it never used to be like that...... anyway it would take an immergrant to come up with a statment like yours hamba... were you at one time an assylum seeker???

does that mean me who works and pays taxes aint affected? im originally asian by the way whos lived here all my life, whos parents have contributed to this country all their lives. i cant get accomodation because priority seems to be given to asylum seekers.
I would like to see some documentary evidence of the above.
O and thats not a joke Hamba

Why dont you contact you local MP for more details about assylum seeker's if they bother you that much.....
Why dont you contact you local MP for more details about assylum seeker's if they bother you that much.....

Hamba said "I am proud to be a citizen of a country that offers asylum to the oppressed."
and I asked "I would like to see some documentary evidence of the above.
O and thats not a joke Hamba"

Why would I contact my local MP about this ?

Hahahahahaha great picture love it
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My old user name was Herbie its just that I forget the password and had to reregister and I still used the same user name herbie check your data base pmsl
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Hamba said "I am proud to be a citizen of a country that offers asylum to the oppressed."
and I asked "I would like to see some documentary evidence of the above.
O and thats not a joke Hamba"

Why would I contact my local MP about this ?

If you dont know now you'll never know
Sorry but I believe you should only get, if you have put in.....If you work 50 years of your life, then the state should pay you an awesome pension and give you all the best NHS.....

If your a fucking dole dosser, who thinks they have rights to everything, without putting a penny in then, wake upppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was always brought up that you dont getting anythng for nothing...

50 years ago, if you didnt work, you lost your house and your life,,,,,perhaps all doleys should be forced to work for their dole....

As for foriegners coming to our once great country, well fine come here, and be part of what we offer, have it alll,,,,,BUT FUCKING WORK FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have worked most of my adult life, broke my arm the other year, was off work for 5 weeks and got NOT A PENNY.....

They do this to make people like me think twice about ever becoming a doley,,,,,,cos they know the economy would go tits up if hard working men and women just thought, sod it had enough of working,,,,

total >>>>>>>