Go to university for FREE


Inactive User
Sep 8, 2005
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Glasgow Area
I am not sure if this is the correct place to share this wee gem of information, possibly it would be more appropriate in the bargain basement or free offers pages.

If you would like your kids to be able to attend University for FREE then all you have to do is claim asylum; thats right taxpayers' it has just been announced that children of asylum seekers' who have lived in the country for more than 3 years can now attend Uni at the taxpayers expense.

Unfortunately if you have worked all your life and paid your stamp you will just have to fund your childs university place yourself.

This country is going to the dogs, no I mean this country is going to asylum seekers, drug addicts, long term unemployed, unmarried mothers... etc.
I would like to see some documentary evidence of the above.
I belive it means that they weill be reduced for instance at leeds uni its like £3000 for the year for uk residents and for a abroad student(asylum) its more than double. But not sure, is this just in Scotland?

This would appear to apply to all children in Scotland who cannot afford the fees. (With the proviso that asylum seekers have to have been in the country for three years.)

Education Secretary Fiona Hyslop said the measures represented a commitment to ensuring the rights of children living in Scotland were upheld, regardless of their origin or immigration status.

She said: "This government believes that, regardless of where they come from and why, any child living in Scotland should receive care, protection and education."
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That is quite crap. Why don't the people that were born and raised in this country at least get on par to what these guys get, no offence intended for anyone.

What is the government thinking?????

government aint thinking thats the problem. The UK is now multicultural which I don't mind but I do when UK raised people get treated worse than those who are not, its unfair!!!!
Yes this just refers to Scotland, discrimination against white Scottish people if your asking my opinion.

The country is a shithole and it will only get worse - if you work, you pay for everyone else who wont, get used to it.
Yes this just refers to Scotland, discrimination against white Scottish people if your asking my opinion.

The country is a shithole and it will only get worse - if you work, you pay for everyone else who wont, get used to it.

same all throughout the UK but I cant speak, I dont work although I'm a student.
Yes this just refers to Scotland, discrimination against white Scottish people if your asking my opinion.

The country is a shithole and it will only get worse - if you work, you pay for everyone else who wont, get used to it.

As I said in my previous post, I don't see the discrimination, - it applys to all Scottish children who can't afford the fees.
As I said in my previous post, I don't see the discrimination, - it applys to all Scottish children who can't afford the fees.

yeah and those students who parents earn "what the government says" is over the basic income bracket are left hopeless. The students generally have to pay the fees themselves which is unfair because parents have bills, mortgages, insurance etc to pay.

The government is out of order, going to further education should be free for everyone just how it use to be!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Playing devil's advocate]
And what about those that can afford to pay? Is it fair that everyone pays for them to go to uni as well?

IIRC for the Scotish Parliment to do this they put 1p on income tax (or was it 1p for every £1?), if they we're paying for everyone to go to uni regardless of personal/perental income they'd have to increase it even more.
[/Playing devil's advocate]

However, IMO, means testing is grossly unfair. There will always be someone who is just over the cut off for the full whack, who will end up worse off than someone just under the cut off.
yeah and those students who parents earn "what the government says" is over the basic income bracket are left hopeless. The students generally have to pay the fees themselves which is unfair because parents have bills, mortgages, insurance etc to pay.

The government is out of order, going to further education should be free for everyone just how it use to be!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Playing devil's advocate]
And what about those that can afford to pay? Is it fair that everyone pays for them to go to uni as well?

IIRC for the Scotish Parliment to do this they put 1p on income tax (or was it 1p for every £1?), if they we're paying for everyone to go to uni regardless of personal/perental income they'd have to increase it even more.
[/Playing devil's advocate]

However, IMO, means testing is grossly unfair. There will always be someone who is just over the cut off for the full whack, who will end up worse off than someone just under the cut off.

What you both say is fair enough - my argument was with the false impression given by the first post.

I'm sure it wasn't Fagan's intention to mislead but it did give the impression that the children of asylum seekers were being given an unfair advantage: the article, that he posted the link to, does not bear this out.
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It means youngsters who gain a university place after studying at Scottish schools will not be turned away because they cannot afford the hefty fees demanded of foreign students and follows lobbying from Universities Scotland and the Scottish Refugee Council

Maybe I'm reading this differently, but I understand the article as meaning that the children of asylum seekers who have been in the country for 3 years, will be treated as if they were scottish children with respect to the fees, not as foreign students. This does not mean they get to go to university for free. I only know about english universities, but if you're classed as a foreign student, you have to pay FULL fees for a place at university. This isn't the £3000+ per year that english students pay, it's more like several 10s of thousands of pounds that gets charged to foreign students studying in the UK. University places are HEAVILY subsidised by the government if you live here ( for instance, to train as a doctor, the university charges the government £200,000 to £250,000). This is also why university costs so much in places like the USA, the government there doesn't subsidise.

In my opinion, this all seems fair enough. If you've been attending Scottish schools for a reasonable amount of time, you should have the same rights as you peers.

edit: I should have read all the posts, this has already been pointed out by Yorkshirelad. Sorry.
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My points in this post are this:

1. If you work, you pay for everyone else who wont
2. Im already paying plenty for asylum seekers, now I am paying for their kids to to to uni.

I am taxed nearly £1000 a month and spent years paying back my student loans.

FYI: There should be no people claiming asylum after 3 years, they are supposed to claim asylum and then a judgement is done on them within a year, then they are either allowed to stay in the country and no longer come under asylum - or they get deported.

Just shows how much of a backlog there is on asylum.
Err I believe that all Scottish Born students already have the right to attend unversity for free, it is only the English and the Welsh that have to Pay.
Spot on Elevators. Scottish students get there fees paid for them to attend scottish uni's. If a student is from outside scotland then they have to pay the fees. Student graduation fees have also been scrapped saving students average of £2000.
And rightly so. My Daughter has just graduated and is gonna have a sizeable student loan to pay off so its a bit of help that she will not have to pay the graduation fee as well. As for assylum seekers kids then if they have been in Scotland for more than 3 years then they deserve the chance of an education.
Unfortunately if you have worked all your life and paid your stamp you will just have to fund your childs university place yourself.

Not in Scotland you don't. (as others have pointed out also), and since the article refers to children of Asylum seekers in Scotland, then I'm afraid the original post was highly misleading.
Just to clear some things up if you are Scottish and attend a Scottish UNI you will get you fees paid for you however will have to pay back one years tuition fees when you get a job. Usually a small percentage of salary taken out each month. (Also included is one false start).