Glasgow Airport attack man dies

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Ok i agree our government hasn't been very fair with certain people but take it up with the government NOT with ordinary folk just trying to get on with there lives It isn;t ordinary folk who are going to these other countries and abusing ? them They will never bring britain to its knees doing what they are doing all they have succeeded in doing is creating a hatred for what they stand for and unfortunately because they are doing this in the name of religion they are creating a mistrust of their religion as well

Sad very sad his rambling twaddle was ref:- to his misguided history lesson he was trying to preach not a personal attack

Please try to understand English a little better, that's a good little boy
Please try to understand English a little better, that's a good little boy

Interesting choice of words there. The style seems very familiar. Are you using one of those i.p. address hiding programs?
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Interesting choice of words there. The style seems very familiar.

Without wishing to enter a protracted conversation with you narabdela, please refrain from the personal attacks as none were directed at you or anyone else and try and stick to the subject.
Your opinion may differ from mine but that does not give you the right to attack me.
Thank you
Oh dear... its seems to have become one of those threads again, I sense a mod lock coming...
I agree its an all to familiar sight you express an opinion that a certain group of people don't like and they then do there best to get a thread closed, I blame myself I should rise above it
Interesting choice of words there. The style seems very familiar. Are you using one of those i.p. address hiding programs?

If he is he will be using tor probibly theres a database of all tor servers somewhere
For your information narabdela my ip is not hidden, don't understand such a silly question
As I have said stick to the subject of the thread
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youve got some neck,
how about tax paying family man

nothing personal, but I know from personal experience the depth and justice this

conversation deserves will not be obtained on one of my 'personal interests' forum.

I do not support or condone terrorism; by whoever........ but in this day and age, only the

really thick people turn this coversation into black and white, rambling twaddle, them vs

us......blah blah blah

I am fortunate to have travelled extensively, live in a community, a country and work in a

major company that allows me to see how our differences are very minor and where to

attribute blame when some people profess to do something on the back of something else

i.e. religion; when something really sick happens.......................with so much information

readily availble at our fingertips, this is the type of 'attention to detail' we must pursue and

sometimes with the most razor edge of opinions.............

all these people i call them people theyre scum realy, have succeeded in doing is causing mistrust. the authorities, ordinary people etc have now lost trust in certain sections of the community and i dont think it will come back it looks as if some of the young muslims have jumped on the bandwagon and think its a right lark its like manor from heaven for the likes of the bnp and its to be hoped they never get in power because it will be far from a lark

by the way this statement about the bnp shows your not uninformed so it was not aimed

at you. long and prosper.
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if id been at the airport on the day he'd done this and failed. i wouldnt hav dragged the fooker out of the car and tried to dowse the flames id have let him die right there and then on the pavement and let the scum bag burn like the peice of sh*t he was !! , thats just my 2pence worth dont wanna get into any arguments with anyone on this matter , i just think had it been done this way would have saved the country a heck ov a lot of money !

regards robby
A bit tastless changing my Avatar to a burning man, but very funny, had to delete it as i'm sure it would offend
nothing personal, but I know from personal experience the depth and justice this conversation deserves will not be obtained on one of my 'personal interests' forum.

Meaning we are all to thick on this forum to have an opinion.

I do not support or condone terrorism; by whoever........ but in this day and age, only the really thick people turn this coversation into black and white, rambling twaddle, them vs us......blah blah blah

Pmsl so the guy who say's I hope he died in pain is talking twaddle but your not.

I am fortunate to have travelled extensively, live in a community, a country and work in a major company that allows me to see how our differences are very minor and where to attribute blame.

That does not make you a expert, and where to attribute blame so you do condone terrorism.

when some people profess to do something on the back of something else
i.e. religion; when something really sick happens.......................with so much information readily availble at our fingertips, this is the type of 'attention to detail' we must pursue and sometimes with the most razor edge of opinions.............

They do not claim to do it in the name of religion, they just hate the way we live, so don't even bother trying to understanding them, because with a blink of an eye they will behead you and upload the video to the Internet chanting some stupid song.

And remember how many people died in the 2nd world war because people took this attitude.




Farmer pounds rice.



Master Bates bashed the bishop
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