Galaxy S5?


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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I have had a iPhone since the launch of the 3GS, still using it now and its served me well :) although now showing signs of age lol

Fancy a change now and really am tempted by the Samsung Galaxy S5

Whats your views ? anything better (not that Ive seen) stick with iPhone and get a 5s? tbh will need some convincing lol

at this moment in time its the Galaxy S5

cheers for any advice
phone im thinking of getting when released is 1+1 when released new company will come with cyanogen rom

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I can't say a lot about the galaxy s5 but what I can say is android on my galaxy s3 is far better than apple ever is, you have much more scope with apps there seems to be a lot more free as well :), easier to put music on no more messing with iTunes just a simple drag and drop just like computer, if your interested in the Camera side of things the Sony z1 is worth a read up on 20.7mp Camera very good.
whatever android phone i get i always root it and put custom rom on as most phones have alot of apps installed i never use. i have always been happy with my nexus 4 shame someone dropped and screen broke but nexus 5 looks pretty good aswell. depends are you getting phone on contract or buying
Im going to pop out now and have a good look at the S5 :)
its mainly the size that is making me think as its a bit bigger than a iphone

I hate iTunes and the restrictions apple put in place with there devises

:) thanks for your replies
ended up getting the s5 :) different to iPhone (obviously) but getting to grips with it :)

not really played with phone features as yet, been mainly adding contacts and apps I used but what I have seen I do like and is a big improvement to what Im used too :)

Thanks for your replies
You do know, you can convert your iPhone backup to Android?
You can dump and import your contacts and messages.

yeah I did @MH but tbh time I fooked about installing stuff just as quick to do it manually
and it gave me a chance to remove some contacts I dont need any more, have 5 now ;) lol

is there a quick way on andriod to remove all app notifications? I dont want the apps constantly searching Facebook, twitter etc etc and using up unnecessary data during the day while not connected to wifi
I would rather open the app when I want to see notifications
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you will find the screen quality a big improvement over the apple 3gs,so crisp and clear.
Not as far as I am aware @Rat, its one thing that annoys me about Android. Apps are free to do what they want and eat up battery. Essentially you have to go into each app and switch off its notifications.

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Yeah thats what Ive been doing
was hoping for a quick way lol
mind you now I've installed most of the main ones I used it wont be so bad as when I install one I will just do it as I go

cheers @MH
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is there a quick way on andriod to remove all app notifications?

if you go into setting/notification manager/ you can turn of notification in there but you have to do it for each app :(
yeah that's what I've been doing @Napster
no big deal, now I know there isn't a quicker way Ill crack on that way :)
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From the link I posted, doesn't 'Ultra Power Saving Mode' do exactly what you want?
Tbh @HappyH I just browsed your link quickly but added to my Favourites to read later :)

will check it out though
Thanks mate
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this is not a feature you would want all the time though as it limits the phone in a big way

I think you would only use this to conserve battery if you was out and about and didnt have a charger
Not sure if greenify would help you a lot of people recommend it