Fun with Google


Bad Karma[CORE]

Try this very *soon, before someone forces Google to fix its site:
> 1) Go to
> 2) Type in "weapons of mass destruction" (DON'T hit *return)
> 3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, NOT the *"Google search"
> 4) Read the "error message" carefully. *The WHOLE page.
> Someone at Google really has a sense of humour. And will *probably be
> fired soon!!!!

its there site not google

feeling lucky button gets you the top search from the list, if you choose normal search it will display that same site as the number 1 for them keywords :)

funny as fook though lolol

Mickie D
Yeah, figured that out later after i had a look at the URL. Still a funny thing though :)
they've got hyper links to casinos and stuff in there too, so they must b making money too!